part twenty-four

265 18 1

song: damned if i do ya (damned if i don't) • all time low


dylan: mikey

michael: i'm so embarrassed

dylan: why? because you were drunk?

michael: well yeah. but i appreciate you helping me and not having my mom find out

dylan: its the least i could do

michael: soooooo......

michael: alex gaskarth?

dylan: he's my love

michael: aHEM

michael: what about mE

dylan: and you ofc

michael: i'm your second choice tho

michael: but i don't blame you

michael: he's a babe

dylan: we should do the group chat again that was funny af

michael: if you couldn't tell by that convo luke is gay for me

dylan: muke af

michael: wtf is muke

michael: wait

michael: oh hELL NO

dylan: oh heLL YES

michael: ihy

dylan: ihy too babe

michael: you called me babe

michael: why am i so turned oN BY THAT

dylan: lol sorry babe

michael: STOP IT

dylan: baaaaabbbbeee

michael: dylan i'm warning you

dylan: ;)

michael: brb


michael tho

also happy 17th to bae 😘💞 boobearsbabe1


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