﴿‏﴾real experiences﴿‏﴾

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Let me explain. It's like a disease. The more you see, the more you believe and the more you fear it. The more you fear it, the more you get paranoid about seeing him. Then you make yourself believe you see him, because you think you will. Then you become even more scared, until it engulfs you. That is how Slenderman is real. He is real in the same way fear is real. A very scary metaphysical being that takes your sanity, the stories were all true to an extent.

5)He is real- by unknown user

Let me explain. It's like a disease. The more you see, the more you believe and the more you fear it. The more you fear it, the more you get paranoid about seeing him. Then you make yourself believe you see him, because you think you will. Then you become even more scared, until it engulfs you. That is how Slenderman is real. He is real in the same way fear is real. A very scary metaphysical being that takes your sanity, the stories were all true to an extent.

6) We all knew of him- by MelissaMarie

Years ago, before I had even heard of Slenderman or Reddit there was a story of him around my old neighborhood. We did not actually call him Slenderman, but some kids had reported seeing a tall, older man in a suit walking around the graveyard. There was a specific story that sticks out to me told by a girl that was in college at the time. She was my friends older sister and she was telling me about how she was skateboarding home one night and she had to pass the cemetery, which was the block over from hers. She kept seeing tall, lingering shadows following her, but she thought nothing of it til she got home and saw a tall, older man wearing a black suit standing in her back yard. She ran inside and looked out the window to see him standing across the street under the trees. She said he didn't leave all night and that she would see him every now and then in the same spot. There were so many other stories almost identical to hers around my neighborhood. I never actually saw anything and I'm pretty glad that I didn't. I'd be worried that he was outside of my window right now, but I live across the counrty from my old home. I wonder if there are still stories of him there...

7) He is back again... -by GalaxyWolf50991

My girlfriend and I have been experiencing slender sickness for years. I have longer than her. Since I was around 8 or so. My whole life is an amnesic blur so forgive me if I am a little off on ages and timelines. But it was around then I think. My girlfriend was around 13 when she got obsessed and developed it. We were friends in middle school when that was happening and my friends introduced me to him. That's when it got worse for me. The thing is he has stalked me my entire life- and he won't leave me alone. Maybe he is intrigued by the fact that I have held strong for almost 11 years. I'm 19 turning 20 this year. I wanted to write this to say, Hey I am here and want to talk. Also- I'm not just stalked by him. I'm stalked by his proxies too and even have had interactions. I want to ask you this though, what if there is more to the story than this? What if Slenderman was part of something bigger? And there was so much more to uncover. I know more than I remember. I know for a fact my memories... pretty much my entire life has been stolen from me and I don't know why. My head is beginning to hurt and I'm starting to get a sick uneasy feeling. I'mma wrap this up... Please if you are still out there... let me know. He is back again....

8) experiences-by QueenLucifer

Hm some parts of this align with my experiences with him but not all. The weirdest thing about my experience is I saw him before I ever read creepypastas. Much less the Slenderman specific ones. Believe it or not. However I have been cursed and haunted my whole life related to things in my past life. And I even recall knowing Slenderman personally in one of my past lives. So maybe that's why I saw him as a teen but was not taken???

The worst he ever did to me was cause me a weird missing time experience where I passed out and illogically ended up back in bed like as if I literally got teleported there. Even though I was heading towards him because I saw him in my bedroom sitting at the computer chair waiting for me. That was the most intense my experience with him ever got. Then no activity for years. And then one random experience shortly after covid where I was now an adult where I saw him staring at me from outside the apartment through my big bedroom window.

He was so far away from that distance he couldn't have naturally seen me so I do not think it's been a human disguising as him this whole time. Plus when I see him he has morphing abilities including notably changing his height. And most humans cannot generally do that on their own. If you have any answers for my experience I'd like some.

Especially since after that last recent sighting in 2021 there's been a long period of no sightings again. It makes me wonder if he plans to have another visit again. Considering I got the random urge to look up Slenderman stuff out of seemingly nowhere. I've also been incredibly suicidal and have developed an urge to disappear that I can't shake off.

I wonder if that's connected to the past sightings in any way.

How do I avoid looking at him though? He seems to have almost a hypnotic effect that makes you instantly look at him from my experience.

9) Ignore him -by unknown user

It was about 2 months ago I think when I saw slenderman and I was walking my dad's dog with my dad in a park which had a small forest. But I found out that if you ignore slenderman, he won't stalk you. This works by not being stressed by him because slenderman makes his victims go insane (slenderman abducts kids by pretending to be a nice person though). Slenderman only stalked me in that park (my dad didn't see slenderman and he doesn't believe in the paranormal) because I extensively researched him too much on the night before that walk. I pretty much saved my life from him by ignoring him it's worth it to ignore him!

10) ... - by unknown user

I have seen slenderman for the past few years at the beginning of 5th grade a year after my parents (?) to creepypasta. My first creepyapasta was the rake but i didnt took interest in it but i started to wake up seeing someone knock on the window but it was dark outside at that time. But as i grew is started to notice this strange things happe ing around and i get the feeling of being watched. At the age of 13 i found out something i clearly remember. My mom told me that at the age of 6 years old is that i refused my mother to turn off the lights and she asked why but i answered that there was a tall man in a suit at the corner of the room watchung me and he told me he was going to take me away. My mom didnt believed at all unitl the next night she saw it and it knocked the fence down. Im 14 today and it doesn't bother me that slender is following me even if im loosing my mind at that moment but he somehow comforts me. The only way i know thaf he is around is when my dog bafks at the forest or starts growling at the darkest corner around my neighbor hood since he protects it. I got more experiences of slender such as waking up with him towering my bed at 3 o'clock in the morning.

A/N: I find more and more encounters every day but i do not want to make the chapters too long, i will include 10 encounters per chapter!


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