Episode 3 - The Goatman Pt.2

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As Kayleigh sat on her motel bed, Dean walked over, with nothing but worry on his face as he handed her a glass of water. She looked up at Dean, slowly lifting her arm to take the glass, "thank you." She whispered. Dean could see that there was nothing in her eyes anymore. It was like she was numb. Kayleigh's mind was exhausted, she had spent the last hour freaking out about the fact that she almost died, and not only that... she probably will still die now that she had been marked.

Lottie moved to sit beside her as she put her arm around her shoulders, rubbing up and down her arm comfortingly. But Kayleigh didn't react, she just continued to stare into space. "Are you okay?" Lottie said softly, her eyebrows frowning with concern. Kayleigh just nodded, slowly, as though she didn't have any energy left at all. 

Lottie sighed before turning to look and Sam and Dean, who were sat at the table, their heads buried in books and Sam quickly typing away on his laptop. "What we going to do?" Lottie said, her voice filled with worry. 

Sam and Dean didn't answer at first, there were in their own worlds determined to find the answer to fix this problem. 

Lottie grew impatient as she saw the two of them, flicking to papers and scrolling through the internet, "hello? What are you doing? Looking for a case? Am I the only one who cares here!" Lottie said as her volume progressively grew louder. Suddenly, Dean slammed his hands onto the table as he turned to Lottie, "for Christ sake Lottie, do you think I'm going to let my baby sister die?" He said, nothing but fear and frustration on his voice. "We're finding an answer, where do you think I'm going to get the solution from... my ass!" 

Lottie looked at him shocked, everyone emotions were running high right now, "Dean..." Sam said softly, "come on, she's just worried." 

"Oh she's worried... it's my fucking sister!" Dean said much more angrily this time. 

Lottie stood up and turned to face Dean, "oh yeah. Well, you might be her brother Dean, but at least I haven't been making her fight monsters her whole life!" Lottie shouted back. 

"Excuse me?" Dean looked at a Lottie dumbfounded at the way she spoke to him, "I taught her how to survive, per our dads orders-"

"Oh right survive, because we're not looking for something to save her life right now, that might not even exist!" Lottie spoke quickly and loudly. 

"You know what Lottie..." Dean and Lottie both started shouting at each other as Sam jumped up trying to calm them both down. 

Kayleigh couldn't take it, her head hurt. Her chest burned. Her heart was breaking, "guys..." she spoke softly. No one listened, they were too wrapped up in their argument, "guys please..." Kayleigh wanted to shout but she still couldn't. "Stop with the fighting." She began to cry but everyone was shouting far louder than her. No one could hear the pain and panic on her voice. Kayleigh started to get anxious, the loud shouting, the light that bounced around the room from the low quality bulbs, the sound of the electrics running through the motel room making her eyes twitch as they poured with water. Sweat began dripping down her forehead. She couldn't take anymore. She slowly stood up, her blood radiating like she was about to burst. Everybody screaming at each other, she'd had enough. "STOP!" Kayleigh screamed and all of the lights in the room exploded.  Causing everyone else in the room to duck down in fear. Once it went quiet. Dean was the first to look up, he saw Kayleigh, stood with her eyes squeezed closed, her entire face scrunched up as she breathed heavily. 

He began to stand up slowly as Sam and Lottie slowly raised their heads, "Kayleigh?" Dean said softly, he tried to sound calm, but deep down he was freaking out. "Kay..." he held his hands out as he began to walk over to her, you could see them shaking slightly. 

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