Episode 2 - The Goatman

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In Lewisburg, West Virginia, Adam and Shaun were hanging out and smoking some weed under an old bridge that connected the nearby towns. Sitting on the bonnet of Adam's car, they passed the joint back and forth as they talked about all things spooky.

"You know the legend of this bridge right?" Shaun said as he inhaled.

Adam looked at him confused as he took the joint from his hand, "what do you mean?"

"About this bridge... They call it Goatman's bridge." Shaun whispered to try and seem spooky with a smile on his face.

Adam looks at the bridge confused, he had lived here his whole life, and never heard of that, "no... I don't think I have?"

Shaun's mouth fell wide as he raised his eyebrows, "what dude? You practically live in the fucking church and you don't know about the Goatman?"

Adam shook his head nervously, he came from a very religious background and wasn't happy with where this was going.

"Okay so..." Shaun turned to face him as he blew out the marijuana. "Legend has it, that the devil himself owns and haunts this bridge-"

"Don't. Say his name." Adam said as his body heated up.

"Sorry, well.. you know who." Shaun chuckled, "he appears with a human body but the head of a goat... and stands around 8ft tall..." Shaun paused for dramatic effect as he looked around, Adam anxiety began to grow, "and it says that if you stand on the bridge and challenge the Goatman, he will appear. And..." Adam looked at Shaun in anticipation, "he kills you! And takes you to the underworld!" Shaun said in a dramatic voice as he burst into laughter. Adam exhaled sharply as he tried to catch his breath. "Come on dude, it's a load of bogus!" Shaun said, grabbing Adam on the shoulder.

"Yeah... I uh.. I know" Adam says as he looks down slightly afraid. He doesn't believe it, but part of him can't help but feel scared at this moment.

Shaun looks at Adam's face before looking up at the bridge, "come on," he jumped off the bonnet.

"What are you-" Adam was cut off by Shaun.

"Let's go prove that there's nothing there!" Shaun says confidently as Adam's face drops.

"Um I'm good, I'm just gonna wait here dude." Adam said nervously.

Shaun looks at him for a moment before he speaks, "are you... are you scared?" He says with a chuckle.

"No! I just... I don't care dude!" Adam says as his fear is clearly showing.

Shaun looks back at the bridge, "okay dude, suit yourself, I'm gonna go up there and you watch from down here... and you'll see there's nothing there." Shaun runs away quickly as Adam tries to stop him, but Shaun just ignores him running for the bridge.

Adam took a deep breath as he tried to control his fear and anxiety. Shaun suddenly appeared on the bridge as he waved and shouted down, "yo Adam! Watch this man!" He laughed as he shouted. But Adam was not amused, had a bad feeling about this as he shouted back.

"Bro! Come back! Just forget it!" Adam tried to get his attention but Shaun stood in the center of the bridge looking across to the other end.

Adam watches nervously as Shaun begins to shout, "yo. Goatman! You ain't shit bro!" He shouted loudly with a laugh. "So come on then, if you're big and bad! Come get me bitch! Come get me!" Shaun laughed harder as the night was still and the bridge was clear. He exhaled in disappointment as he half wanted something to happen. He then turned to look down at Adam again, "told you!" He shouted and laughed as Adam sighed in relief. "There ain't shit up here!"

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