The S-System Explanation

Start from the beginning

"Okay, everyone. Take a deeeep breath... and now let it ouuuuut... phew~ Okay, now that we're calm, let me say, that the questions that you asked are completely valid. But I do have answers to your questions, Yukimura-kun. So, first of all, yes, I do have some evidence that our points will get deducted based on our behaviour. When I was in the convenience store yesterday, I saw a sign on some of the things that was labelled as free. And yes, I know it could be because some of the students could blow through their points in one month. But there is also something else that I noticed in the cafeteria today while eating lunch."


This is news to me. She didn't tell me anything about that. I wanna know what she noticed.

"I saw that there were many senpai that were taking the free meals served in the cafeteria. And because they've already been at this school for at least a year, don't you think they should already know to manage their points? Also, it's literally the first day of school. I'm sure that they couldn't have blown through their points today itself, right? And also, I am not talking about just one or two senpai, no, no, I am talking about 50+ senpai. Just think about it. Maybe they already have gotten their points deducted and that's why they are buying the free stuff."

Mm. She is very perceptive. That is a very good quality to have. Maybe, I can hone it more.

Looking at the class now, it seems they are shocked to hear the number of senpai buying free food on the first day.

Yukimura also looks shocked. But, he got his composure back.

"Okay, I believe you. Then, please tell us how exactly are our points deducted? I mean, because you got 30,000 points deducted doesn't mean that you're going to get 70,000 points every month, right? So, then, how exactly does it work?

"Hmm. Very good question again, Yukimura-kun. Now, everyone, listen verrryyy carefully, okay?"

When she said that, everyone leaned forward on their desks.

They look kind of funny doing that.

"So, sensei said that the points are because of us passing the exams right? So we can safely assume that exams are a factor that can change the number of points we are getting. Like, if we get really good marks on our exams, then our points are also gonna increase, as our worth in the school's system will go up. But, if we score really bad at our exams, then our points are gonna decrease, as our worth in the school's system will go down. Okay, everyone, you all with me so far?"

Everyone nodded their heads like chickens.

Seems like everyone is totally into Sumire's explanation. Oh. That reminds me.

I turn my head to look at Horikita.

She looks shocked and angry at the same time.

It seems she didn't expect Sumire to be that smart.

"Then, let's move on. I suspect that there is a heirarchy sytsem in this school. Our class is at the bottom of this system."

With that, the chaos started again.

"Okay, that's it! Are you gonna listen to me or should I leave you all to figure it out yourself?"

At that, once again, everyone quieted.

"As I was saying, yesterday, we met some senpai who were provoking us. It was me, Sudou-kun and Kiyo-chan, that is, Ayanokouji---

This is the first time that I've heard her say my last name.

--- and when Sudou-kun got angry at them, they instantly recognised him as a class D student. And they also said that our class will face hell. And after some thinking, i discovered that there are many people in our class that have all kinds of issues. I'm not gonna say any names, but you can probably tell what your own flaws are. So, I came to the conclusion that there is a heirarchy system in this school and, as I said before, we are at the bottom of it."

A chair rattled beside me. I turned and saw that it was Horikita. She looked furious.

"What do you mean that I have issues? Don't lump me in with these people. And if what you say is true, there must have been some mistake in my evaluation. I know that I'm far better at academics than these people."

At that, indignant shouts were heard.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?!"

"You think you are better than us?!"

"Maybe your attitude is the problem!"

The last one is true though.

"Quiet down everyone! Horikita-san, if you consider that you are better than us, then you also must be smart enough to understand that refusing to accept your flaws is a flaw in itself. I think your flaw is that your self-evaluation is too high.


Sumire - 5

Horikita - 1

"Now, if you'll please sit down, I have an explanation to complete."

Horikita looked furious but she sat down.

It seems like she doesn't want to miss the explanation.

"Thank you. So, the heirarchy system. When I thought about it, a question popped up. How can they know how much points a class exactly has, as the students buy things everyday. Well, I think there must be some sort of collective points in play here. All the classes must have some sort of collective points, that the students can't use individually, with which the school determines how the placement of the classes are going to be. So, it means that if we get more collective points than class C, then we are going to become class C and they are going to become class D! How exciting is that! It's like a race."

Oh, it's not just a simple race, Sumire.

But, as you said before, don't you worry your pretty little head about it, I'm going to protect you.

After all, I like my tools to be polished and at my disposal, ready for me to use anytime I like.

"Now, coming to your second question, Yukimura-kun."

Yukimura seemed to perk up at that.

"That is the answer. We are going to get points according to our collective points each month. And I do really want to help the class, but I also don't want to live only on the free stuff in the three years here, and I'm sure that neither of you want that either. There are many things that I want kiyo-chan to try after all. So, everyone, let's try and win this race!"

She pumped her fist up, as did the others.


I also did the same.


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