Chapter 38 - Big Bears

Start from the beginning

I've been trying to tell him that over and over, but he doesn't seem to think so. Together, we could make his company great again—I know we could—if only he would give me a chance!

"Well, then I could just stay here and-"

"Ethe, why is it so hard for you to even consider going to Hummelton?" my mom asks, and suddenly, I'm afraid that she wants to be rid of me too. She must be really sick of all the fights. Perhaps she thinks it will be easier on everybody if I were gone. "It is a very good university and only three hours away; you could be home every weekend and-"

"I'll be on a rugby scholarship, Mom," I remind her, swallowing against the knot in my throat. "I'll be playing and practising weekends and most holidays; I'll hardly be able to come home."

"That..." she swallows, turning her head to look at my closet doors, and I'm glad that her face is buried in dusky shadows because I cannot stand seeing her so sad. Perhaps she hates the idea of me leaving as much as I hate it after all. "Many people go abroad for studies... and even they get time to visit their parents," she mutters. "It's a couple of years. Your dad will change his mind about the company, and you'll be back before you know it. If you still want to, you could stay for good then."

"Change his mind?" I scoff, grinning at my mother when she looks at me again. "Mom, when has Ian Fletcher ever changed his mind about anything? He's as stubborn as a... as a... as a... me."

There, I might as well admit it.

"When I change it for him," she smiles, stroking a hand over my cheek. I hold my breath not to flinch when her fingers move over the sensitive area where the door hit me. The last thing I need right now is for her to see any mark there that wasn't there during dinner. She has enough to feel sad about. "Besides, your father doesn't want you to leave..."

What?! Then why did we have that huge shouting match just now?!

"You heard him!" I exclaim, wondering if she has lost her mind. "He is sending the confirmation of acceptance tomorrow."

"Oh, yes, he said that, but he wouldn't really do that," she says, waving my words away with her hand. "The two of you will be fighting this same fight tomorrow and all the days after that until you reach the deadline."

"Then what?"

"I'll bury you both in the backyard and whittle wooden figurines while I watch the tree I planted on you grow."

"Wow!" I chuckle. "That got dark really fast! You don't even do woodwork."

"I'm always willing to try new hobbies." She lays her head against my shoulder, stroking my upper arm with her hand. "Your father will miss you too much when you're gone. I'm willing to bet that he'll try to convince you to transfer to Silverview shortly after you've left. "

I highly doubt that.

"Out of sight, out of mind," I assure her, and she gently slaps my arm and sits up straight again.

"I can guarantee you that with your father, it would very much be a case of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'," she assures me, tilting her head and giving me a sly smile. "That goes for Kira too... in case you're wondering."

I flinch hearing Kira's name, and my mother takes my hands in hers. Yes, I was wondering...

"Honey, I know how attached you are to Egret's Rest, and I understand it. This place is hot as hell, but it is beautiful and filled with warm people, and not just because they get way too much sun. I love it here too, but I got to see many other places during my life. It is not healthy to be so attached to this one spot on Earth already..." She sighs, trailing off, realising who she's speaking to. "It is about the Crofts, isn't it?" she smiles, and I cannot, in all honesty, say no to that.

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