Chapter 21 - Back to Clara

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to do this ya know," Xavier sighed. I looked up at him, but he didn't seem to want to meet my gaze. "Pretending to be something you're not doesn't make your life easier. No, it make it more complicated." He sighed again before finally looking down at me.

His red eyes seemed to glow like the dying embers that still lit the area a few feet away. "You're not the same Clara, but your different from when we first met -well first met again- you just seem like you're trying to fool everyone into thinking your their Clara, or your boyfriends Clara, or my Clara and that has to be one of the worst things I've seen you go through." He picked a stone and threw it as if to show his frustration "You're loosing yourself and the worst part is you probably haven't even finished finding yourself."

It was strange to hear Xavier talk about Danny, I had only briefly mentioned Danny once of twice and was always careful not to include details. My eyes seemed to burn  with invisible tears. Xavier was right, but then again of course he was. 

I had become a child, if not worse since I ran away. Hiding and creating an illusion of sanity in my total eclipse of reality. "What do you think I should do?" I asked, my voice hitched with clear confusion.

Xavier moved his sights to the ground, kicking up dirt. It was clear he didn't know what to say "At this moment Clara, nobody can help you but yourself. You have to decide who you are and then stick with it. People are like the ground," I momentarily looked down, noting the small hole forming under his boot. "We can be solid one minute, and then just completely fall apart." He kicked at the ground again as if to prove his point.

"That's really deep Xavier." I said, with just a hint of my surprise by his appropriate words.

Xavier smiled "Thanks, I'll tell Garth that next time I see him." My mind quickly diff ted to Garth and Delila. I wondered where they could be by now, or if they were still watching over the coven of the south.

"So," I began "When was the last time you spoke to Garth, or Delila?" Xavier seemed confused for a  moment, before turning towards me.

"Delila's his mate right?" I nodded "Well. It's had to have been a few years since I'd seen Garth, and then I suppose that means Delila was with him." he  sighed  and stood up from the overturned tree. "Listen Clara, Garth and I didn't exactly end on a good note."

I stood as well, following him as he seemed to walk in a daze around our make-shift camping spot. "Are you going to tell me, or just let me guess until I got it right?" I said, elbowing him to try to get his attention has he seemed to have drifted away in thought.

"Well telling you would be less time consuming, but hearing your guesses might be more fun." He teased. A moment later I elbowed him again, this time with a bit more bite. "Still I think I'll just tell you." He said, giving up.

"The last time I saw Garth was when I was bringing Maria home from Volterra. Garth -who had stepped in for Maria since she was turned human- was both pleasantly and sadly surprised by her return."

"He was sad for her return?" I interrupted, Xavier made a face towards me, but just continued.

"He was more upset upon the state of her return -not her vampirism- but more that she was emotionally unstable. It is still the worst i'd ever seen Maria. I thought she was going to try to kill Aro before we left."

"Maybe I should go see her," I sighed "I know it was years ago, but maybe I can still help?"

"By doing what?" He said almost nastily "Turn her human again, not offense intended to you Clara, but we both know that's what she'd want you to do."

"So what? At this point we both know that's what she really wants." I said, flaring my arms up like a child. My hair seemed to turn to flames as it flew up with my arms. I turned on my heels and began to walk away, towards the south.

"You don't even know where you're going!" Xavier called out a few steps behind me.

"I don't need to remember to find it, I apparently have to many memories attached to it I'll find it on instinct alone!" I yelled back over my shoulder, although glancing behind I didn't see him behind a moment later I would find out why.

Suddenly I ran into him as he'd caught up my pace and then some. "Xaiver you can come with or you can get outta my way, but you're not conving me not to try to help."

"Yeah kinda expected that from you Clara," He said helping me to my feet "guess that one thing people just gotta learn to love about you." 


Someone once told me that the relationship between Clara and Danny seemed rush, and I gotta tell you I know it was. See I'm a teenage who's never even had a real crush before, so you can see the problem with writing about relationships. Anyways I can't remember who it was but I owe them a dedication for being outgoing enough to critize so if it was you then let me know. Imma scan the comments and see if it's in there somewhere. Hope ya'll like the chapter. 

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