Feel Better (Levi X Depressed Reader)

Start from the beginning

But, Levi did none of that.

You were studying, or trying to study when he arrived. You gave him a bleak smile, and dragged your eyes back to your laptop and books. He said nothing, no comments about the pigsty that you called your apartment. He just set his bag down, removed his coat and shoes, and walked over to you to give you a gentle kiss on the forehead. You appreciated it, but you were so far gone, that you couldn't feel it.

Nothing, so you just managed to smile again.

Levi said nothing, and he just moved onto cleaning your apartment.

Internally, you were grateful. You didn't like to leave your living space messy, it was always neatly organized and cleaned. However, your current situation made it impossible to clean, you were too drained. Too far gone to even ask for someone's help to clean. A part of you, was then so grateful for Levi for cleaning it up. It made you feel better somehow, even a tad bit, a clean surrounding automatically out your mind in a better place.

You observed as he cleaned from the peripheral vision, as your watery eyes focused on the books. The chapter morphed into meaningless chaos, as you rubbed your eyes again and again, trying to push through.

Just then, Levi's voice caught your attention.

"Oi, (f/n)"

"Yeah?" Your dull eyes dragged to meet hi sharp ones. He was showing, his brows furrowed, but his eyes immediately softened as he took note of your state.

"You look like shit."

You rolled out eyes, looking back to your books, "Wow, I'm flattered."

He scoffed, coming towards you and gently pulled out the books from your hand.

"You need a break brat." He said, his tone taking on a softer note.

"No I can't, there's a lot to do..." You shake your head, reaching back to grab the textbook from his hand.

He simply moved it further away from your reach. Now, you were starting to lose your temper, you were already in a bad mood and this was aggravating it.

"Don't be stubborn, look at yourself..." He sighed, grabbing your other books as well as shutting down your laptop, your protests falling deaf onto his ears.

"Hey! Give me my stuff back, I told you I have a lot to do -" You get up, stomping towards him.

Your sentence was left incomplete as you felt his strong arms hoist you up, and throw you over his strong shoulders.

"Hey! Put me down!" You protest, getting an upside down of your room as Levi walked.

Within second, he got you to the bathroom and set you down, still holding your waist firmly.

"You're taking a bath, right now"

He was right. You hadn't taken a proper, cleaning bath in a long time - only hurried morning showers. You were fully aware of your greasy hair, and your body overall didn't feel hygienic at all. But you were too tired to care, feeling too lazy to even take a bath. It took too much of energy, to get yourself out in the bathroom and scrub yourself religiously. You were drained, barely surviving.

However, this was a different case since Levi had taken the trouble to already prepare a warm bath for you. Your tired eyes glanced towards the bubbly bath tub, filled with scented bath bombs which soothed your mind.

"It's going to take too long - I appreciate this but I am too tired..." You tried explaining him, in vain, because these words couldn't explain the jumbled state of your mind.

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