Feel Better (Levi X Depressed Reader)

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Hey Readers!

This was solely written for my own mental sanity since I've been having a terrible time due to my exams and I needed some Levi comfort. I hope this comforts you too in case there's a bad day.



When your exam season has you in a death - grip, and you're slowly drained of all life and spiraling into a depressive rut, your boyfriend Levi comforts you and helps you get back up.

(TW: Mentions of depression and mental struggles)


(Modern AU)

You sighed, for the hundredth time in a few hours, forcing your eyes to stay open and focus on the textbook in front of you. For minutes, you were reading the same sentence over and over again, you brain failing to understand it. You knee bobbed up and down rapidly, indicating the anxiety you felt even if your face was perfectly calm.

Your head throbbed, pulsating around the temples as you wanted nothing more than to sleep. But, sleep was not easy, you knew you'd like awake for hours until you can fall asleep so why not study instead until you pass out?

This was your unhealthy way of coping. You knew that. You were studying, sitting at the same place then taking a break, only to scroll through random social media. You knew it was not a good idea to stay in the same room for the entire day. You knew how damaging it was to take your phone during breaks. You knew how sleep - deprived and tired you were, practically you knew that your routine was beyond messed up.

You also knew fully well that you were slowly slipping into a depressive state - because you'd stopped caring about anything in general. You did not care that your routine was messed up. As a result, you did not feel like doing anything to fix it.

This was one of those depressive ruts, you were slowly spiraling into it and you didn't want to but you couldn't help it. You were too tired to care. Too tired to save yourself from this.

However, your boyfriend noticed. His ability to pay attention details, made him see how different you were acting, even if you hid it to the best of your ability and had your other friends fooled that you were doing amazing. That was far from the truth, and Levi sensed it.

He knew that it was due to your exams, that monotonous study routine for a month, which led you to feel lonely and bored, prompting you to clutch onto instant gratification and short - term dopamine boosts, which was basically just your phone to keep you entertained. He knew you weren't sleeping well, you'd been skipping the gym dates, lying in bed, inactive on messenger, and he doubted that you were even studying properly - even if you claimed to.

You'd never ask him for help, he knew it, so he made it his task to help you anyway, even if you don't want it.

That's why he asked whether he could sleepover at your place for the weekend. Your answer was predictable -

"I need to study Vi, I won't be able to spend time with you. Besides, my apartment is a mess."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to be there."

He'd insisted on it, and you'd relented. You were too exhausted to deny him, even if you didn't want him to visit your place. Your place was a mess, you were a mess, you could imagine his lips curling in distaste the moment he steps in your apartment.

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