Nishant's brow furrowed in confusion as he took a step back, his eyes meeting Saisha's with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

"um..sorry.." Nishant tried to apologise.

"Forget it! It was just in the heat of the moment" Saisha said, trying to be the bigger person.

Sensing the tension in the air, Ujjwal acted quickly to diffuse the awkwardness. With a charismatic grin, he swept Gaurika onto the dance floor, his enthusiasm infectious as he urged her to join him in a lively garba dance to the tune of "Chogada."

Gaurika couldn't help but laugh at Ujjwal's antics, her initial discomfort melting away as she found herself caught up in the joyous energy of the dance. With Ujjwal leading the way, they moved gracefully in sync with the music, their steps fluid and their smiles radiant.

In the end, the entire group went onto the stage for a collective performance on the song Criminal. The day ended with them cooking Maggi and some french fries for snacks.

August 9 - Annual function

Backstage at the school's annual function, a bustling atmosphere fills the air as performers prepare for their acts. Samaira, Neev, Saisha, Nishant, Ujjwal, and Gaurika gather in their designated area, getting ready for their performance.

Students from different classes had already performed and theirs was the finale act of the day. Their parents were eagerly waiting for their children's performance.

"Can you believe it's finally here? Our moment on stage!" Samaira said enthusiastically.

"Let's focus, everyone. We need to make sure we're all in sync for the performance." Ujjwal said.

As the group huddles together, a mix of nerves and excitement fills the air. They exchange encouraging words and gestures, building each other up for their moment on stage.

Neev said, locking eyes with Samaira "Hey, whatever happens out there, just know I've got your back."

"And I've got yours, Neev. We've practiced for this moment, and we're going to rock it together." Samaira said, ensuring Neev.

On stage, the spotlight illuminates Neev, Samaira, Saisha, Gaurika, Nishant, and Ujjwal as they stand in formation, ready to begin their performance. The stage is adorned with vibrant decorations, setting the perfect backdrop for their act. The audience erupts into applause, eagerly anticipating what's to come.

With a cue from Neev, the music starts, filling the auditorium with an infectious beat. The group moves in perfect synchrony, their movements fluid and graceful as they weave through their choreography.

As the performance reaches its climax, the entire group comes together in a breathtaking finale, leaving the audience cheering and applauding wildly.

With one final bow, the group exits the stage, their hearts full and spirits soaring from the exhilarating experience they've just shared with their audience.
Backstage at the annual function, after Neev and Samaira's performance -

"Wow, Samaira, you were amazing out there!" Neev said, breathless from the performance.

"Thanks, Neev! You were pretty incredible yourself. We really nailed it!" Samaira said, smiling brightly. Other members were busy changing their costumes. Neev went towards the changing room and Samaira went in the other direction.

"Hey, Neev, great job up there. And Samaira, wow, you two really have chemistry on stage." Vanshika said with a smirk on her face.

"Thanks!" Neev said with a cold expression on her face.

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