the 'fat' new girl.

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"Alright, class, settle down," Mrs. Davis said while entering the class as the chatters and shuffles died down.

"We have a new student," she announced excitedly,  glancing my way. I was still at the entrance, literally glaring at her because I didn't need an introduction. All I needed was for her to show me my seat so I could just sit down.

"Come on, now, don't be shy," Mrs. Davis beckoned me in.

I gave a deep sigh. Remember, Brie. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Within seconds of stepping inside, I heard a few giggles coming from the back, and I ignored the strong urge to turn back and run home and just cry in my pillow like I would've some years back.

But no.

This was the new me, and the new me was better than that. Stronger than that.

"Go on. Introduce yourself to everyone, then take your seat beside Gigi," Mrs. Davis told me, pointing to a pretty brunette sitting directly towards where I stood. The scorn on her face showed she wasn't too happy with Mrs. Davis' decision to put me next to her, but I didn't care.

"My name is Brianna Simmons, but everyone calls me Brie. We lived in DC before my dad got transferred here. Umm.. I love to read and.. and cook..."

I saw Gigi make a comment right after as those around her giggled with her.

"Nice to meet you all," I said finally and rushed to my seat. Upon getting there, Gigi swiftly kept her bag on the chair and pursed her lips together, ignoring me.

I picked up the expensive looking bag, placed it on her table with a loud thud and sat down.

Gasps and whispers followed immediately after, and my heart pounded in my chest as I thought my bold move may have inadvertently challenged the possible queen bee of Radiant Ridge High, but I remained very calm.

Mrs. Davis stepped outside to talk to the principal who had just stopped by.

Gigi scoffed and loudly commented to the hearing of the class: "Hey everyone! It looks like Thor's hammer just became the second thing that can't be lifted."

The class erupted into laughter, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment and hate.

People like her still exist? It's 2016 for crying out loud!

"So I'm fat," I began as the whole class went dead silent. "At least my waistline is bigger than your IQ. You look like a damn sewing needle with a sesame seed on its head."

Gigi's face literally twitched in annoyance at my satisfaction.

The only person who laughed out loud was a guy seated in the corner at the back of the class, while the others suppressed their laughs. She really was the boss of them all huh? They wouldn't even laugh in her face.

I looked back at the guy in the corner. He was chuckling softly now, his head lowered as he buried his face behind a book titled 'All Of J.K Rowling.'

Awesome then. One less bird brain.

Mrs. Davis walked in when Gigi was just about to make her comeback.

"Pay attention, class. Today, we begin differentiation, and yes, there will be an assignment afterward, so, once again, pay close attention. "

Lessons began, and exactly after an hour, the bell rang.

We got the assignment like she promised, and everyone rushed for the door.

According to my timetable, I had one more class before lunch break.

As I packed to leave, Gigi approached my desk, two of her minions beside her.

Gigi, like the two brunnettes beside her, was as slender as a model's frame. She was undoubtedly beautiful, and men were likely to fall at her feet.

Her clothes and all the accessories she had on her screamed 'daddy's rich girl.'

She leaned in closer to me, and my nose tingled, threatening a sneeze because of her strong perfume.

She then pursed her lips into a forced smile. "This isn't over."

Oh you bet your skinny ass it ain't.

She strutted away, her minions trailing behind her.

I rolled my eyes, packed for my next class and headed on.

After a long morning, it was finally lunch break.

I hated that my mom had forgot to pack my lunch on my first day of school, so now I was left with no choice than to make my way to the cafeteria all by myself since I had still not made a single friend.

The school cafeteria, like any other, was bustling with activity as groups of students engaged in chatter while eating.

My stomach churned with discomfort, but I was hungry, so I wasn't leaving.

On today's menu was actually meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

I took a tray and joined the line.

I was relieved when it got to my turn because my tummy had been rumbling for far too long and probably far too loud.

I frowned at the two thin slices of meatloaf on my tray. "What's this? A slice for each ant at a picnic?"

The canteen lady glared at me. She didn't scare me - there was a scarier one back in DC.

"Oh come on, why can't I get a full loaf like everyone else?" I complained.

Familiar giggles surrounded me, and I turned to see Gigi standing there with literally her army, and some students, or almost all students, had stopped to look my way.

Gigi pouted, feigning some sort of pity. She was holding a tray with today's menu. Even the meals she got looked rich.

"No need to yell at Martha. She's just making sure you don't eat too much, so the next time you trip and fall, you don't cause an earthquake," she exclaimed to the hearing of everyone, and every being in the cafeteria exploded with laughter.

Oh my gosh, she's so mean. Hold it together. Hold it together.

She tsked. "It's alright. Considering you haven't eaten in days, you can have my lunch," she smiled, moving closer to me.

I hit her tray, which sent it flying at someone as the person dodged it.

I looked at the meatloaf on the floor, then back at Gigi with confidence like never before. "I was going to suggest that your skinny ass needs it more, but I needed to make it dirty first since that's what you're all about."

I picked up the two thin slices of meatloaf and dropped the tray as it made a resounding sound throughout the cafeteria, which was now dead silent, then I walked out, never looking back.

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