suddenly she hear someone is knocking the door while she is enjoying her tea

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suddenly she hear someone is knocking the door while she is enjoying her tea

Remilia Scarlet:Sakuya, is that you? Did you come to report about intruder start to broke into our mansion?

Hong Mei Ling:It's me Hong Mei Ling and isn't about intruder, it is about human baby

Remilia Scarlet:Human baby? are you joking about human baby in our mansion? I bet that human baby already crawl away from the mansion

Hong Mei Ling:Is not a joke, it is true that I found out baby at outside gate and it is strange how the baby like them could ended up here and Sakuya are busy taking care them

Remilia Scarlet:If it is not a joke then lead me to see the human baby, Hong Mei Ling

Hong Mei Ling:Yes Mistress..

Hong Mei Ling then open the door for Remilia Scarlet and lead her to the way where Sakuya Izayoi and baby whereabout and then they notice Sakuya Izayoi feeding the baby with bottle of milk

Remilia Scarlet:Sakuya, how is the baby conditions?

Sakuya Izayoi:The baby conditions are good and healthy and it is baby boy as I checked him, but I am feel bad for the baby to have such a cruel parents that left him in this dangerous place which is quite unforgivable but what should we do to this baby boy? I don't think we should take the blood from him...

Hong Mei Ling:What if the baby parents was just keep the baby safe from youkai? We can't judge the baby parents like that

Sakuya Izayoi:But if they really want to keep the baby safe, they shouldn't place him at Scarlet Devil Mansion bc every village know that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is dangerous mansion to approach and also every village should have know that which forest are very risky so that's no way they are easyily caught by youkai especially carry with baby

Hong Mei Ling:Ahem.. Outsider, the outsider, you may not heard about outsider that much but what if the baby parents was outsiders? Bc that's the reason why they easyily getting caught by youkai, it's obvious that they are outsiders if not then they should already know the genskoyo map

Sakuya Izayoi:But we have no clue that they actually are outsiders or not bc we are don't know where the baby come from and second the parents of baby probably might think this baby was a curse so they decide to place him here,so in my opinion, I think there is a possibility that second thoughts is the one but who know bc we are clueless

Remilia Scarlet:Sakuya was right, there is a possibility of the parents of baby left him bc his is curse and also this baby are also outsiders, but we just assume this baby was a orphan so Sakuya tommorow, you bring this baby to Hakurei shrine but if hakurei shrine disagree then bring this baby to Moriya shrine, I assume those shrine can take care of this baby bc the baby couldn't get along with youkai when live here and also our lifestyle will be different so it will be hard for him to survive plus I won't take the baby blood, it might be cruel for me to do that

Sakuya Izayoi:I understand mistress, tommorow I will bring the baby to Hakurei shrine or Moriya shrine, I hope both shrine can accept him so he will have shelter and safe with it

When baby finish the bottle of milk then the baby make a baby noise

Sakuya Izayoi:Awww~ the baby was so cute that I can't resist when he make noise like that

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Sakuya Izayoi:Awww~ the baby was so cute that I can't resist when he make noise like that

Hong Mei Ling:Yeah you are right, but sadly we can't adopt the baby...

Sakuya Izayoi:It will be loss for us, I guess

Remilia Scarlet then turned her head to direction of the baby and look at the baby

Remilia Scarlet:(sigh), I plan it that we should adopt this baby together

Sakuya Izayoi:But mistress why you suddenly change your mind? Aren't you say that the baby ain't appropriate in this mansion since his is human

Remilia Scarlet:Yeah I do think so but I am feeling like I have some connection to him, I don't know why perhaps it is fate I guess

Sakuya Izayoi:So mistress has some of connection with this baby boy?

Remilia Scarlet:Yes, and he will be our family member so Sakuya tommorow you go buy some milk and baby stuff for this baby boy and tonight this baby boy are gonna be sleeping with you bc it is safety if someone put the eye on him and Hong Mei Ling you go back to your job as gatekeeper so the intruder won't cause invasion on our mansion

Sakuya Izayoi:I will, Mistress

Hong Mei Ling:Yes Mistress, I will take on duty as gatekeeper

Remilia Scarlet:For the sake of his parents, I shall name him called JacksonLim,the Chinese name and British name combine and we will be fed this baby well and make him live normal life as his deserve

<<To be continue>>

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