The Words That Never Fade

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'I will never see you as my brother!'

Even after so many years, those same words had kept on haunting his thoughts, his dreams and his nightmares, never leaving him alone.

'Your such a freak, Tsunayoshi !'

And because of those words, he became what they saw him as.

A demon, a freak, and a monster.

How unfair. All he wanted was a family, to be part of a family, to be part of his family .
But it seems fate never wanted him to be part of that family.

Every night, every day, every hour, every minute and every second, he would ask himself.

Why ?

Why was he the one to have such a fate ?

Why was he the one to suffer ?

Why, was he the one to be alone ?

He did nothing wrong. Was wanting happiness a sin ? Was wishing for a family wrong ? Was wanting love wrong ?

'Each question, weigh heavy on his heart every waking hour.'

Loneliness, sadness, worthlessness, and many other feelings would eat at his very mind.

'Each glance he would take would always remind him of something that he could never reach.'

The only thing he had ever wanted was love, the love and warmth of a family.


What a foolish wish, Tsuna had learned. Wanting someone who obviously doesn't want to love you, love you back, was quite a naive thought. Trying to see them other than strangers was a mistake on his part.

'Family, what a lovely word.
A word associated with love and care,
A beautiful word for those who were blessed with such.'

Thinking them as only strangers made the pain go away. Not hoping made the ache in his heart stay at bay.

Not loving made his heart feel at ease. Not showing his kindness made everything okay.

How easy it was to lock his frail heart, to seal and chain his sweet kind side.

'Family, a blessing that was denied to the one who needed it, who desperately wished for it.'

A kind and pure soul, tainted and warped by his own blood.

A/N: okay, here is the next chapter.
I know it isn't long, but I have been thinking of the future chapters :) and I have lots of ideas.

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