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Yesterday, I fell down. It was a sensation I'd never experienced before, neither the fall itself nor the surface upon which I landed. Previously, every surface had been soft, but here it was solid, as if unwilling to accept my presence. I regret what happened, but the past in past.

Today, I'm already feeling anxious, as if something is missing inside me. My stomach hurts, although I haven't experienced this sensation before. So far, I feel insecure, as if I need someone to cling on, someone to lean on. I can't say that I like being human, not until I learn something better about my own humanity. One thing I do appreciate is the ability to address anyone directly. I don't have to observe from a distance. Although some are surprised when I speak because using my mouth is still difficult for me, one or two have responded with a smile, which I oddly appreciate. It's as if I missed that up there, but I've never been a person before, right? I don't know. In short, I hope I'll adjust to this place. At least, this is my home now, so I'll have to adapt somehow.

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