2. Feelings of a barracks bunny

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Tired from both the pleasure and effect of the sleeping gas, the little virgin was even snoring. Fourteen hours is a long time for someone to be asleep, being in a coma was an exception, but it didn't look like she was going to wake up anytime soon.

The other victims were up and getting attended to by the doctors and nurses.

But his suspicions grew. Calling a doctor over to check her blood first. They've collected blood from everyone, searching for diseases, infection and rooted DNA. For some, it's easy to look and could tell what country they're from. Others it's easier to detect from their voices, by either their language or accent.

For her, he couldn't tell but he needed answers before everyone else.

That was when they found a drug in her blood and the little virgin was rushed to the ICU. The intensive care unit.

Giving Cyrus an heartache and a headache to wait another couple of hours.

"Brother, you need some rest." Hunter eyed his friend who sat on the uncomfortable hospital bench with bloodshot eyes. The lack of sleep was present.

"I'll do that later." He finds himself repeating for the fifth time since they landed at the camp base.

Hunter sat next to him in silence, but he was slow to realize what his friend was up to until it was too late. Cyrus blames his lack of sleep to be caught off guard.

Hunter Daye had injected him with a medicine to induce sleep.

Chucking as he succeeded. "Don't blame me. Hassan gave the order."

Their boss and best friend turns the friends against each other for the greater good.

He remembered some time ago when it was him and Declan who injected Hunter. How the hulk of a man had returned the favor now.

"Mary Jane..." His voice slurred as the medicine was working quite fast.

"Go meet her in the dream realm." Hunter laughs, throwing his friend over his shoulder and brought him outside the medical unit of the camp and in the direction of the private housing.

Hunter is one of the tallest, broadest man in the camp. Bearded and partially covered in tattoos. His mug could scare a grown man out of his skin, but his heart quite frankly belongs to a little brown skin lady.

The same goes for Hassan Thorne. Having a little light skin woman who had his heart in the palm of her hands without realizing it.

Boss man stalked his woman all the way to Jamaica, but he was still able to do his job despise the distance.

As well as kept him from his own little chocolate drop.

Cyrus has never stray too far from his ethnicity when he chooses a woman to bed.

Little Mary Jane was the only chocolate in the room when he picked her. He was only curious about what a woman such as herself had that was different from Caucasian women.

Even as he was fighting consciousness, the smell of her pussy juice was still on his tongue and on his lips. He traveled over a hundred mile and it never fades. It was still fresh and smells faintly of roses.

This was probably the beginning of an obsession, because if she was ever to be lost and the only way to find her is by smelling cunts. He was bound to tell hers apart from the others.

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