1. Mission accomplished

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Read at your own risk.

Mentioning prostitution, kidnapping, human trafficking, drugs, sex and a little freaky descriptions. If you are easily triggered, don't bother reading this book.

It will get worst.
The true freedom from enslavement or imprisonment is finding the key to open the lock, or to kill the system.

Both were an hard tasks to do.

I don't remember my name, but I know it's not Mary Jane.

They only call me that because I'm one of few whose virginity was still intact. We were their 'Precious' cargo.

Club Precious was nothing like an actual club, we never asked to be here. We never asked to be kidnapped and sold in prostitution.

Through it was better than being at the plant. Bring forced into reproduction to provide babies was a genocide factory. Harvesting new borns or small children, mainly for their blood. Or organs.

This is a wicked world.

Though I'm thankful for my beauty, as master said having two dimples and a rather perfect body would've made me win Miss world.

It's one of his regular compliments to me and the girls like me.

The natural ones.

The ones with an innocent face.

The ones who would look good next to a preacher in church.

The ones who were taught to trap a man with a single smile or to show our curves.

Today was like any other work day, walking in single file towards the diner.

It wasn't us who will be having a feast. It was the customers, or what I'll call a consumer.

It has been a new business idea, all thanks to Jimmy Vhranscwalu. A child predator and my biggest fear.

We stood facing a glass where it's a one way mirror. They are the ones who can see us and while staring at the mirror, our best look or our best dressed meal will be picked.

"Tia. Go left." The voice came from the speaker.

"Kitty. Go left."

"Mama Mia. Go left."

I gulped in fear, but faked a sad innocent look in hopes that it worked for whatever consumer is on the other side.

We've learned that is like an auction. The highest bidder gets the best meal.

"Mary Jane. Go left." I concealed my smile and modelled my way to the door at the left.

Fear gripped me, as this was the only area with a blind spot that we were able to show our true feeling.

Though this area is labeled as the diner, they do anything they want with us.

My worst experience was the biting or force entry that would downgrade us to another part of Precious underworld. It could never happened to me, Master or Jimmy Vhranscwalu won't allow it.

Taking a deep breath, I go out and meet whatever sleazy old pervert with too much money to spend on pussy and a fat ass.

Instead, I'm met with an handsome man behind a mask.

His grey eyes were freakishly scary, but his body definitely turns me on. This is the first.

Smiling innocently, I took his hand and leads him into an empty booth with led lights in the ceiling.

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