i tried to move but he now had a kitchen knife in his other hand. i was too scared to move. this man is a psycho what the hell.

"please stop" i began to tear up i thought i was either going to get raped or murdered.

"please" i pleaded

after a second he just smiled like nothing happened and he walked away.

i didn't even bother finish my making my smoothie i ran upstairs back to aiden as fast as i could.

when i got upstairs i saw aiden walking into the bathroom with a towel over his naked shoulder

"you okay baby?" he frowned as he saw my panicked expression

i hesitated, i trust aiden with my life but for some reason i felt like i couldn't tell him about what happened, he has enough going on he doesn't need more stress. right? it not like it will happen again...

"yeah i'm okay i just saw a really big spider" i forced a laugh

he raised his eyebrow at me but he still made his way to the bathroom.

i just sat on his bed and stared at the wall. i didn't know what to feel because i was still trying to process what happened.

i hope it doesn't happen again.

*1 week later 1st of december*

"li i'm going shop quickly do you need anything?" aiden shouted from downstairs

"no thank you" i replied and continued to scroll on ig.

i'm now at 1.5 million it still feels surreal, next week i have a shoot with oh polly for their christmas collection coming out on the 15th of december and i get to keep everything i model in. i'm so excited!

unfortunately aidens dad is still sleeping on the sofa, we don't actually know why he's here but aiden has been trying to find out so he can kick him out.

i haven't told anyone about what happened a week ago because as silly as it sounds i'm really embarrassed. i always thought to myself that if i ever got into a situation like that i would defend myself but when it happened i stood there like a mug and allowed this old man to touch me. i feel like i've cheated on aiden even though i didn't do anything wrong.

i have avoided the living room as much as possible but my charger is down their and it's only the two of us in the house.

"liya pull yourself together" i said to myself as i built up the courage to get my charger.

i tiptoed down the stairs and tried to quietly enter the living room but there he was sitting on the sofa in his boxers watching tv. he looked like such a tramp.

"hello darling" he winked at me

i ignored him as i searched for my charger.

i bent over to pick it up once i found it and i felt him press his growing bulge against my bum. his presence made my toes curl and the hairs on my neck stand up.

"get off of me" i squealed

"don't act like you don't want this" he kissed my neck

i gagged

"leave me alone!" i shouted and pushed him off of me

"why won't you obey me?!" he grew angry at me and slapped me across my face, my cheek stung and my eyes began to well up.

my heart rate rapidly quickened and my throat felt dry i tried to scream but i couldn't. it felt like a nightmare this isn't real, this can't be real.

i prayed aiden walked through the door but he didn't.

aidens dad licked his lips and slipped off his boxers then he angrily threw me on the rug and climbed on top of me...

*later on in the evening*

i stood in the shower letting the scolding hot water beat down on my back i felt so so ill, after he decided he was done he just got off of me and left the house. aiden still wasn't home i saw on his story that he was at zees place getting high. i just don't feel safe in this house anymore. i want to go home.

since it happened i had taken 4 showers and i threw up about 7 times. i feel so dirty no matter how much a scrubbed my skin and how many times i brushed my teeth.

after my shower i stood in front of the mirror and stared at my naked body, i had bruises on my thighs from his tight grip. i hated the way i felt, im so disappointed in myself.

i cheated on aiden with his dad.

i heard a key push through the door and aiden called my name, i threw on my robe and i practically flew down the stairs and jumped into aidens arms and all i could do is cry.

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