Chapter One-I love Tequila & Tall Men

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January 19th, 2024

I let the tears fall as I stare into my drink at the bar. There's loud music and lights flashing around me, but I barely feel any of it. Pierre had left me, after our fight, he'd just left me at the apartment. He left to go back to her. We've been married for five years, and he just accused me of killing our baby and then went back to his girlfriend's apartment. Not like he knew I was aware of her. They'd been together for a year, of course I knew. I couldn't leave him though; Pierre was all I had.

Now I was drowning my tears with alcohol and shitty music. I signal to the bartender for my check. This was pointless; drinking was not going to fix my marriage; it wasn't going to bring my baby back. Maybe Pierre was right, maybe it was all my fault. 4 miscarriages in 5 years, and my husband didn't love me, if he ever did. Maybe life was pointless.

A voice calling my name pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly wipe at my eyes. My heart lifts, he'd come back for me. When I turn around though, it sinks again. I come face to face, more like face to chest, with Max Verstappen.

"Isabel, hey!" he says loudly over the music. I don't think Max has ever said more than 10 words to me ever. Even when he was teammates with Pierre. I didn't even know he knew my name.

"Hi, Max," I say and his eyes light up at my response. He had gorgeous eyes. Before either of us can say anything more the bartender brings my card back over and I turn to sign the receipt.

"Oh, you're leaving," he says with a disappointed look on his face.

"Yeah, I decided drowning my sorrows alone was a little too sad," I say with a laugh.

"Where's Pierre?" He says and I can't help the little wince at the mention of his name.

"He got called back to the factory for the weekend," I say, the lie coming out of my mouth like second nature. If Max picks up on my dejected attitude, he doesn't comment on it. "Where's Kelly?" I say hoping he'll forget about me and go back to wherever she is in the club.

Max doesn't bother to hide his wince, "actually we broke up," he says, and I instantly feel bad.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—" I start apologizing but the words die on my tongue when he places a hand on my arm. Sparks lick up my arm at the contact.

"It's alright you didn't know, no one does, we actually broke up earlier today," he says with a grimace.

"Ah so we're both here drowning our sorrows alone," I say with a harsh laugh.

"Want to join me?" He says catching me completely off guard.

"I just closed out my tab," I sigh.

"Put it on mine, since I'm asking you to stay," he says and I'm getting the feeling he might not take no for an answer.

"Fine, but if we're drinking, I need shots and one of whatever you're drinking," I say and the smile he gives me lights up his whole face.

I soon find myself sitting in a private booth downing my third shot of the night. I had a nice buzz going and was actually starting to enjoy myself. My shot glass hasn't even left my lips before Max asks me, "So where is Pierre actually. You were lying earlier."

I practically choke on the tequila I'm drinking. I shouldn't tell him, but the alcohol loosens my tongue and once I recover, I reply, "his girlfriend's apartment."

It's Max's turn to choke on his drink. "What? You've got to be kidding?"

"Unfortunately, it's the truth. The worst part, they've been dating for a year, and he thinks I have no idea," I say fiddling with the engagement and wedding ring on my hand.

~Sparks~ A Max Verstappen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now