Chapter 10: Rage Dome

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   I sit up and groan. The doorbell was ringing. I walk over to the door and open it. Veneer grabbed me and gave me a tight squeeze.
   "You won't believe what I was just told!" He squealed, his hands on the back of my neck.
   I rested mine on his waist. "What is it?" I ask.
   "Me and Vels are performing at the Rage Dome in two months!" He kissed me. "Isn't that great Ritz?!"
   "That's fantastic!" I say.
   Velvet marched up the stairs. "Is Orchid awake?"
   "No, but I can-" I was cut off by Orchid running into the living room.
   "Is Vels-" She stopped and ran over to Velvet. "Congratulations!" She squeaked.
   Her and Velvet shared a quick kiss as Lenny came down. She covered her eyes. "Aw, does that have to be the first thing implanted in my brain today?"
   "Yes." We all say, and I kissed Veneer again.
   "Come on guys!" Lenny had her hand over her eyes again.
   "I'm going back to sleep, you coming Veneer?" I ask.
   "Yes!" He follows me to my room. The first thing he did was take his shirt off.
   "What are you doing?" I asked as I slid under the covers.
   "What? You said you like me like this." He joined me.
   I giggle and we snuggle up to sleep.

Hi. Sorry this is short. I just thought it'd be a good way to end the book. This is the last chapter of the story, I can't figure out how to mark it as complete tho. Thanks for reading everyone! Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Bye! ❤️😊😁

One Crazy RollercoasterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora