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Darius's POV:

I'm packing all the stuff so we can finally leave, when I picked up my notebook that had all the dinosaurs that I've seen in it. I remembered that my dad always wanted to see one dinosaur. And I still didnt have it in my notebook..it upset me whenever I thought about my dad..

"Sup, whatcha doing?" Kenji asks me "Just packing what we need for the trip, but then I found my...notebook." I respond "Uh D, you good? You seem upset." Kenji says worried. "I just never got to study this one dinosaur.." My dads favorite dinosaur, it was the one I had forgot because of...well everything. "Oh, well you can leave the packing to me, go see that dino." Kenji says smiling. "You sure?" I reply back not thinking he can do it. "Yes I got this, go enjoy your dino."kenji said with confidence. "OKAY, alright umm I'll be back later your in charge Kenji, pack all the necessities!" I say quickly and excitedly.

Kenji's POV:

I'M IN CHARGE!! WOO! D knew what he was doing. I do my happy dance wooo!! "What are you doing?" Ben asks. Uh oh "uh nothing I'm in charge." I say embarrassed by getting caught. "Really? Ok." Ben says, I reply "So go get..." I pause not knowing what to say. "Toilet paper!" I say loudly, wondering if he'll do it. "Ok" he replies. I let out a breath. Now let's just pack a couple things.. My gel, ummm...

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿with Ben✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

Ben's POV:

Wow Kenji in charge, ha that's funny.

(He got the toilet paper now)
What should I do now? I'm gonna visit bumpy it's her snack time, but then what? I don't really want to go back, where did Darius go, didn't Kenji say he was going to explore some dino. Maybe I could go find him after... I start running to get to bumpy so she can get her snack and I can head to where Darius is! "Hey bumper car!" I yell for her, "roarr"(thats bumpy), "bumpy!" I yell as she runs into me. I give her some of her favorite berries. Then wave goodbye and run off to find Darius.

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿he finds Darius✿✿✿✿✿✿

"Darius!" I yell as I see him watching some dinosaurs. He turns around and looks upset for a second. "Oh hey Ben" he says as he jumps down from the rock he was laying on to follow the dinosaurs that are now running away. "Oh sorry, did I do that?" I ask with an I'm sorry smile. Darius replies "Ya but it's okay." And smiles. God his smile is so adorable, why do I keep thinking about him!? Do I like him or something!? wait...omg I like Darius.
"Ben?" Darius says while running. "Huh? Sorry, I was in my head" I say while blushing a bit, knowing I was thinking about him. "Oh it's good, just wanted to tell you we can stop running." Darius explained. "Oh" I whisper, embarrassed and feeling my face turn red. We stop running. I watch as Darius heads over to one of the dinos and grabs some grass to feed to the dino. He's so caring. Wow I really do like him, I need to tell yaz.

Darius's POV:

Me and Ben are watching my dads favorite dinosaurs, I'm glad I got the chance to finally see the dinosaur and Ben is with me, this is amazing, he is amazing. *static* "DaRiuS" Kenji yells from the walkie talkie, ugh great just when everything was going great. "Yes." I reply annoyed. "Umm what would you do if perhaps a scrawny capable..uh dinosaur went missing?..." Kenji says concerned. "What?" I reply still annoyed but also confused. I look over to Ben to see if maybe he understands. "Idk" Ben says while shaking his head. I radio Kenji "look if you need me to come back, then just say so and I'll head back." "What nooo, you stay there enjoy your dinoss" Kenji says nervously. "Ok." I say not wanting to reply anymore. I hear Ben laugh. I look at him "what?" I say confused, "you are so done with Kenji right now" he says laughing more, making me laugh also.

"Alright" I say, "hm?" Ben perks his head up looking at me. "We should probably start heading back, sun should set soon" I say really just wanting to walk with Ben. "Oh ok" Ben replies and we start walking back. "So Benn" I say not really knowing what to say, but still wanting to talk to him. "Yea what's up dar?" He says. Dar? How cute he gave me a nickname. "Dar?" I ask blushing from the sudden nickname. "Oh sorry I just blurted it out" Ben says, I think I saw him blush a bit. How cute. "AHHHH" me and Ben hear someone screaming.

IT'S BROOKLYN AND SAMMY!! "Guys!!" Brooklyn yells as she runs into me and Ben. "We need to get off this island NOW!!!" Brooklyn yells again, Sammy looking very scared and worried. "Wait what why?" I say now getting nervous. *they both say things at the same time making it sound like gibberish* "whoa, slow down, one at a time." I say hoping to get some answers now. "Ok yk how we went to find out some stuff?" Me and Ben both shake our heads. "Well Dr. Wu made another hybrid. The Scorpius Rex." Brooklyn says trying to hurry. "ANOTHER!!??" Ben replies for me. "Yes, well originally Dr. Wu froze it, but now its on the lose." Sammy says her accent showing. "WE NEED TO GET OFF THIS ISLAND NOW!" Brooklyn yells again. "Ok, we need to warn the others" I say while radioing Kenji. "KENJI!" I yell through the walkie talkie. "Yes" Kenji says. "We need to get off this island now! Get the supplies and meet us at the boat." "Umm, about the supplies." Kenji says make me upset, I knew I shouldn't have trusted him! "KENJI" I yell now out of anger. Ben places his hand on my shoulder and gives me a sweet smile hoping to calm me a little. It works. (Also they told Kenji and yaz about the Scorpius rex)

Ben's POV

"Ok we got this. Yaz will go to the boat and get it ready for take off. Ben, Darius, Brooklyn, and Sammy come help me carry all the supplies I'll pack." Kenji says now taking charge. "Got it" Darius replies through the walkie talkie. He grabs my hand and starts running, Sammy and Brooklyn follow. I turned around and saw Brooklyn look at me and Darius then smile but only for a second.

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿time skip✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿

(They are getting ready to leave and get on the boat)

"Yaz? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be getting the boat ready for cast off?" Kenji replies with some anger in his tone. "We can't cast off. The boat is already taking on water, there's no way to leave." Yaz finishes, making all of us now scared and worried. "You mean we can't get off the island, we're stuck with the hybrid!?.." Sammy says terrified. I look at Darius, who looks back at me. I think he noticed how scared I was because I was pulled into a tight hug by Darius a couple seconds after we locked eyes. I felt tears run down my face. He pulled out of the hug and I saw he had tears welling in his eyes. I pulled him into an even tighter hug. I heard quiet sobs, it was Darius, all I could think was how I needed him, how I wanted to comfort him and keep him safe.

Darius's POV

We're stuck. I feel like crying I notice how scared Ben looks, I pull him into a tight hug. I pulled out of the hug to look at him. I had tears welling in my eyes, I was about to cry. He pulled me into an even tighter hug, I couldn't help but start to cry into his shoulder. We always comforted each other when we needed it. He was so kind, others wouldn't agree. He was mostly quiet around the others, but with me he was different. Softer, Ben let his guard down with me.

"It's okay, once there is a break in the storm we will get off this island. Till then we just need to fortify our defences and stay hidden from the hybrid." Kenji says trying to lift the mood. "How?" I ask angry, if he had packed like he said he would then we wouldn't be in this situation. I feel Ben's hand on my shoulder. "Umm, we can use the debris to fortify the fence." Kenji answers uncertain. "Good idea." I whisper with anger still in my voice, but less than before. We all started putting the debris up on the fence to help secure it. I was standing in between Ben and Kenji. *a car horn* we all jump I see Ben jump in the corner of my eye. How cute. "Sorry!" Brooklyn yells "I accidentally did that." Brooklyn says. "wait..." Kenji whispers like he has an idea. "If that car has power then we can use the batt-" I cut him off "TO ELECTRIFY THE FENCE!" I yell over him "Yea" Kenji says hoping I'll forgive him. "Good job." I tell Kenji with a smile.

We finish electrifying the fence, and just as we turn it on we all here this horrifying roar. "Everyone grab something to defend yourself" I say quietly my voice hoping that wasn't the Scorpius rex.

It's still pouring. But all I can hear is my heart thumping, it seems so loud I feel like everyone can hear it. It was quiet too quiet. "ROOARR" "RUN!!" I yell once seeing the Scorpius Rex. It was terrifying.

✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿time skip✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿
(Scorpius Rex attacked then left)

Ben's POV

"I wonder why it left?" Kenji says before interrupted by Sammy, "I don't feel to good y'all", "is that..a.." Brooklyn starts, "Scorpius Rex Quill..." Yaz finishes...

Word count:1681

Sorry it took so long got caught up in school 😭 next part will be here I swear I'm trying once I'm done with school, I'll update more. WHO ELSE IS EXTREMELY EXCITED FOR CHAOS THEORY!!!!!!???????

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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