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"What does not kill me, makes me stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche


All the tributes were sat in a small room. Each dressed in matching outfits. To be scored, tributes must be examined by Capitol members of high ranks. This included Plutarch. Finnck and Cordelia sat facing each other.

"You just need to breathe Del." Finnick whispered to her.

"Finnick, I can't help if I am stressed out to the max. This is all weighing down on me, just like you." Cordelia responded looking around. " I mean look at everyone, in a few days most of us will be dead."

Finnick didn't know what to say, all he could do was stare at her. How could he convince someone of something he wasn't even sure he could prevent. Yeah they knew their task, but to what lengths would they both go to secure safety for future generations? How could their small task destroy The Capitol and everything they had?

His thoughts were interrupted by an announcement.

" District 3. Beetee Latier. Report for individual assessment."

Cordelia watched with a grim face as Beetee walked out of the door. Herself and Finnick would be up for assesment in no time. She glanced around the room. Nobody even as much as they tried looked super confident. How could they be? Knowing they were going to be fighting for their lives agianst the best of the best winners. She let her eyes wander to Katniss and Peeta. Wondering what they thought about all of this.

Were they just as scared, they didn't even know that they already had so much immunity to these games compared to everyone else. She was truly jealous, knowing that if it came down to it, Katniss and Peeta were priority and should be treated as such. Even if it meant life or death for Finnick or her.

Cordelias eyes made their way back to Finnick. She watched as a smirk appeared on his face as the District 3 tribute walked by. What was he thinking?

"Finnick how are we going to kill these people? I mean we know some of these people."

"The same way we did it before Del. It's them or us and I will always choose us."

She went to reply when she heard the crackle of the speaker once more.

"District 4. Finnick Odair. Report for individual assessment."

Her heart began racing, watching as he stood up. He glanced down at her once more, a small smirk on his face.

"I'll see you in a little while Del."

That's all he said and she watched as he turned. His frame getting smaller as he turned the corner and walked down the hall. Out of her watchful gaze. She felt eyes on her. Looking over she realized it was Katniss. She hoped the girl wasn't looking at her with pity. That was something she needed the least. Finnick and her story wasn't going to end yet. She hoped. 

As she got lost in her thoughts they were invaded by an announcement once again.

"District 4. Cordelia Roxen. Report for individual assesment"

She stood up quickly and looked over at Katniss once more. The girl was looking down and couldn't bring herself to look up. most likely lost in thought. She made her way out of the sitting area and down the dark hallway. She knew she could not walk in looking scared. They would try and make a fool of her.

With her head held high she made her way in.

"Miss. Roxen, you have 10 minutes to show us your choosen skill."

She froze at first not knowing what to do. Her mind was filled with ideas and she had to decide. Grabbing her materials she put her plan into action. She tied many dummy's together and put them back to back in a circle. Writing the words "your elites" on each of them. Then, using tridents she stabbed each of them. Using her last one she slammed it down the middle and them all and left it facing up.

She didn't know how her message was taken but by the small smile of his face she knew she made the right choice. It was something insignificant that would probably blow over by the time the next tribute arrived but she had their attention at this moment. That was all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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