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Hello! :D

Some of you may remember the old days of this story (back when it was called To Catch A Unicorn and was an ONC 2020 Longlister... forever ago). It's been with me ever since. This is one of those stories that I really truly fell in love with and have been working to give it the polishing it deserves quietly in the background of everything else. I thought it might be time for it to return to Wattpad, now with a new title, new blurb, but same heart. Welcome to the reborn Dragonborn Duology: When Ice Breaks and When Gold Cracks!

Yes, there are two books. Both are relatively short (the last finished draft of WIB was about 50k words; its original ONC draft was a whopping 21k--I know, that's a lot to taken in). I thought I would try posting these two novellas/short novels in the same Wattpad story since they are closely tied. Also, this is something I have seen other writers do since it makes it easier for readers to find and keep up with books in a series. I thought I would try something new while I'm reviving my beloved stories!

This duology is part of a longer and larger series called The Legends of Anticuus, which I am currently in the process of publishing. That means When Ice Breaks, When Gold Cracks will eventually follow suit when the time comes. You can read this without having read the other books in the series as I did write them to stand on their own, but they are prequels to a larger work. If it catches your interest, there is more to read! :D

Thanks for joining me for this ride! I won't delay you anymore with my chatter so please head on to book one, When Ice Breaks. Enjoy!

*Updates will be sporadic as my main works at the moment are Crescent and editing/revising my next book for publishing. To ensure that you don't miss an update, be sure to add this book to your library! 

When Ice Breaks, When Gold CracksWhere stories live. Discover now