Part 7

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He's standing tall, sporting a crisp white v-neck and black jeans, his hands clasped behind his back as if he's ready to escort you to a school dance. He's already smiling, and though his posture is confident, something in his eyes seems a little off. You think you can see the same exact anxiety you have in them. "You ready?"

You glance over his shoulder and see the tour bus- the boys must have just dropped him off- and notice Louis and Niall making kissy faces behind Harry's back as they drive off into the night.


"Yes," you say aloud. You lead him to your car sitting in the driveway. As he opens the car door for you, some of your nerves melt away.

"Such a gentleman," you smile, sliding into the driver's seat.

"I try," he says with a half smile. He shuts the door and makes his way to the other side of the car. You start the car and pure adrenaline starts pumping inside you. Sure, you're a bit jittery, but you honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world.


'What the HELL is this movie about...?' You wonder nearly halfway through the film. You'd been too busy scrutinizing Harry's arm laying on the arm rest, his hand lightly gripping the cup holder. The temptation to place your hand over his is so overpowering; your body is just burning with the desire to touch him. No longer able to resist, you take advantage of him holding the snacks and brush your arm against his as you reach for some popcorn.

You continue to do this, thinking you're being all sneaky, but unbeknownst to you, every time you do so, Harry looks at you from the corner of his eye and smirks to himself. 'She's so cute,' he thinks. Though as the night goes on, every time you touch his arm, he grips the cupholder even tighter, trying to hold back his own urge just to grab your damn hand and intertwine your fingers with his.

By the end of the night, you're both wound up tighter than a clock. The tension in the car is palpable as you drive back to your house. When you finally get out of the car, you realize you've been holding your breath and you let out a heavy sigh. Without either of you saying a word, Harry walks you to your door. You stop at the front porch and turn to face him. He's standing on the bottom step, making you and him the same height. Once again, you can see your emotions in those piercing eyes of his.

There's so much longing in you and in his gaze that there seems to be a force pulling you together like a magnet. It's freaking unbearable. He starts to lean in, and your heart beats loudly in your ears, making you feel slightly dizzy. But to your disappointment, he stops himself- his lips merely a few inches away- and simply tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Well, good night," he breathes and quickly turns away to leave. Determined not to lose him when he's so close, you grab his wrist, and twirl him around to kiss him.

But you miss completely and end up kissing his cheek. You cover your mouth in embarrassment and say, "I'm sorry, that was an accident." Not able to look him in the eye, you make a run for the door.

He puts a hand on your shoulder and hurriedly says, "Wait! If you want to..."

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