Part 3

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Just as you shut the stall door, the girls come clamoring in. "Hurry, hurry, they're gonna sing 'What Makes You Beautiful' soon!"

"Okay, okay, lemme just check my make-up..." The girls' voices seem to drift away as you and Harry both become completely aware of how close you are. So close that you can see the driplets of water trapped within his eyelashes as he looks down at you. His cool breath caresses your cheek, making a shiver slither down your back.

He takes that as a sign that you're cold and reaches to take his jacket off. He stops when he realizes it's soaking wet from the rain.

"Don't worry about it," you whisper. "I'm not that cold." However, the close proximity between you two is making your entire body shake uncontrollably. It must be noticeable because Harry looks unconvinced. Without saying anything, he leans into you so that your head is resting against his chest, your arms trapped between your body and his. Your hands are touching the skin his button down shirt is revealing.

'Yeah, that's not exactly helping the shaking, Harry,' you think. You hear the girls outside run out and your body relaxes a little.

"How's that? You a bit warmer?" You don't trust your voice to be steady so you just nod. His chin brushes against the cold chain around your neck and he jerks away. "Oh, sorry," he laughs softly. He then looks more closely at your necklace, intrigued.

"Is this from the Titanic? The Heart of the Ocean, right?" he asks. You feel a little embarrassed for some reason and hope to god you're not blushing.

"Uh, yeah. It's just a replica though. I, um- it's my favorite movie so I just like to wear it. I'm, well, pretty much a nerd that way, I guess."

He takes the jewel into his hand and admires it. "I wouldn't say it makes you a nerd." You smile at that. "It's very pretty. It looks good on you."

"Thank you. It's ok though; I've already fully accepted my nerdiness."

"As all nerds should," he replies with a big goofy grin. "I actually really love the film as well."

"I know," you start to say. "Uh, I mean- God, that sounded so creepy." You laugh. "I'm just a big fan is all. I love you."

His smile stretches even wider. "You and the boys," you add quickly.

"Ah, well, [y/n]," he says as he takes your hand and shakes it. "Always a pleasure to meet a fan. What would you like to know?" 

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