Part 2

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"-can't believe you actually saw them!"

Your friend abruptly snaps you out of your daze. "Huh? Oh, God, I know... I still... can't really believe it either."

You're finally settled inside the stadium and the constant chatter and occasional shrieks around you aren't helping your mind go at ease. You're still trying to figure out if that short and sweet interaction with Harry was your imagination or reality.

"Hey. HEY!" Your friend has to yell in your ear- the crowd is getting louder. "Did you get a chance to talk to them?"

You open your mouth to answer when the crowd suddenly abrupts in screams. Both you and your friend forget your current conversation and immediately join in screaming as you see each of the boys pop up like daisies from underneath the stage. They all looked pumped and ready for a full night of craziness.

Except for Harry. For some reason, he looks almost panicked. He's anxiously scanning the crowd for something..

Or someone...

All throughout the night, Harry is constantly pacing back and forth on the stage, searching the crowd while bumping into the boys as they perform. It looks like he's about to give up when a girl right next to you shouts, "I LOVE YOUUUU!" it catches Harry's attention and once he looks in your direction, you instantly make eye contact.

This time, you both seem to smile at the same time. Keeping his eyes on you, he brings the mic to his lips and says in a loud, clear voice, "Restroom?"

The boys looked at him in confusion as the crowd laughs at his randomness. Your heartbeat quickens as you realize it might not be so random. Could this mean what you think? You're not entirely sure.

You slowly nod your head yes and you think you see him nod back, but it's such a subtle movement, you're not positive if he even did it.

A few songs later he whispers something to Louis and runs offstage. You could still be wrong, but you're not missing your chance. You cup your hand around your friend's ear and shout, "I need to go to the bathroom again; I'll be right back!"

She shouts back an "okay," but you're already running to the bathroom outside the stadium where you had first encountered the boys. Your heart sinks when you see that no one else is in the area. You scold yourself in your head. Stupid. Of course your guess was wrong. Why would Harry ever-

"Hey!" You turn and see him running towards you. You.

"H-hi." Your mind goes blank from seeing him right in front of you. He's bending over, his hands on his knees, as he catches his breath. "I'm.. sorry to take you out of... the concert." He gets out between breaths. "I just wanted to, um... talk... to you." He quickly shuts his eyes as if he said something stupid.

"I mean, I-I'm Harry." Your nervousness vanishes for a split second and you burst out laughing. "I know," you say with a teeny smile. "I'm [y/n]."

He returns the smile and opens his mouth to respond when a huge raindrop hits his nose. You both look up, just now noticing the darkened sky, and it begins to pour.

"Oh, shit," Harry says as he places his hand on the small of your back and rushes you into the girls bathroom. As the door swings back and forth, you catch a glimpse of 3 girls trying to cover their heads and running straight towards the bathroom.

"Oh, shit," you both say and run- Harry accidentally slipping on the wet floor and nearly falling- into the stall at the very end. 

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