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Emily was a beautiful woman indeed her curvy were perfect with her round ass that I wanted to squeeze so bad and her full lips that I wanted to kiss gosh this woman is perfect no my woman was everything I needed she has taking the news better than I through she agreed to love my kids of her own that that makes me want to fuck her until her knee are weak until she can't walk no more. I wanted her for myself I wonder how the kids will take the news of them having a stepmother. Kelly was their mother, but she didn't want to take responsibility for her mother, so  she ran. I hate that woman although she maybe my ex - fiance that bitch I can't believe I had love her once all she cared about was my money and status and what I could give her she never once loved me and I was a fool to think she could the kids was so heartbreaking when she left and I had to lie to them that she went on a business trip because they caught on that I was lying they are smart kids just like there old man Iove my kids and I will do anything and everything to make them happy even if that's mean giving up my mafia and love life because they mean the world to me.
But with Emily, I wanna make it work it's just that there is something about her that makes her special. I was so lost in through I didn't notice  she had came into the room she was wearing a crop top that shows off her stomach and a shorts that had half of her ass showing god this woman is beautiful my sexy wife while I was busy checking her out she turned around and ask me what wrong bothering me and I told her nothing.  I wonder how will she acts when I tell her I'm the capo of the Italian mafia will she wanna stay or will she go my kids already knows about the mafia but not Emily well not as yet atleast. She went on her side of the bed but kept on turning every minute, so I put her head on my chest and my arms around her waist, and soon enough, she fell asleep. why did having her in my arms feel so right . And soon enough, I fell asleep too but with a smile on my face . The next day, I decided to tell the kids the news, but what I hadn't expected was what they said next .

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