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Hi besties!
This part will not be so cheerful cause I am going to tell you something really sad that made me feel useless. If you want u can exit rn.

So there is this guy in our class like BEOMGYU. (Mood maker and crazy)

Two days ago, like karwin- 'S wrong number fanfic, he texted me and asked if we could be friends. (One thing abt my school is that the boys and girls never even go near each other)

Before all this, I sent a screenshot to my friends that he is blah blah.....

It's seems that my friends ship me with him behind my back and used inappropriate language to me asking if I have a crush on him. I denied it every time and one time it just got crazy.

They literally called me a slut, asshole, bitch, mother fucker, whore etc..

Is it that much of a crime to be friends with someone?

Also I feel bad cause grade 8 was the only year that I enjoyed myself the most. So i feel like I am useless cause while everyone has bffs of 4-5 years I can't even have them for 1 year.

The reasons I shared this here is because more than school and home, online platforms are the only places I feel the most comfortable with.

I cried and cried and cried. But what even is the use of crying when everyone hates you?

Fun time!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ