Chapter 53: The One With Oedipus

Start from the beginning

When we got home, I was in for a surprise. Our living room, foyer, and dining area were filled with balloons, flowers, and streamers.

"Oh my gosh! Is this for me?" I squeaked. Rania was skipping with excitement.
"Minnna, I blowed the bawoons!! And they're for your love birthday!" Rania giggled with excitement, pulling me along to show off the slightly smushed ribbons, and hand-drawn posters hanging from the flatscreen.

"We worked pretty hard on it today. Even though it's a day late..." Shehzer leaned to whisper in my ear, "Happy half anniversary love. I am honored to be yours."

Tears sprang into my eyes at his gesture. I blubbered out thank-yous as I hugged them both. My emotions were all hay-wired. A pregnancy thing, I had discovered. The morning sickness was an added travesty, though it wasn't morning sickness in my case, it was more like evening sickness. I had researched a lot about this on my phone during the flight back. Apparently, the sickness will persist for a few more months before ceasing.

After having some cheese pizza for dinner, Rania and I settled for a Disney marathon on Netflix.

"Argh. God! Not this crap movie again!" Shehzer complained from the couch, making Rania perk up.
"Is crap a bad word Minna?" She asked me.
I grinned, "Yep!"

Shehzer sighed, opening his wallet to deposit a dollar in Rania's hand. The swear jar was a mini bank now. Pretty soon, small developing countries will start taking loans from it.

"Great. I'm stuck watching irrational movies with two fluff-loving females. And I can't even curse." Shehzer rolled his eyes as the opening credits for Cinderella rolled in.

"Hey! Cindy's a classic kay? I grew up on these movies!" I threw some popcorn at him.

"Yeah, right! A mindless twit, who can't even hold onto a pair of shoes, and she needs a guy in tights to find them for her." He snorted. "Classic delusional case, with all the speaking to animals thing. I would recommend detox, babe. The girl has serious drug issues."

We lapse into our usual disney arguments, with me supporting my favorite childhood films.

"How can you not like Beauty and the Beast? It's my favorite!" I demand.

"Two words love... Stockholm. Syndrome." He smirked, knowing he was winning.

I sighed, "I'm almost scared to mention, A little Mermaid."

"Ha. The guy finds a mute, naked girl on the beach and goes, 'Yep. Seems legit. I'll put a ring on it!' Seriously? What sort of message is that?" he laughs at my scowl.

"Snow White?"

"Takes candies from strangers, lives with seven men alone in the woods, and her prince is into necrophelia-the whole kissing dead people thing? I mean, W-T-F?" He shrugs innocently at me.

"Mulan!" I bring out the big guns, smirking because this one was flawless. The protagonist was a strong feminine character, very bad-ass and adorable. A real role model. She didn't wait for her prince to save her. She saved him, and CHINA!

"Hmm. Okay, you got me. Even though she is a cross-dressing tomboy, she's kind of hot, what with all the kung-fu moves." He pulls me to snuggle with him, Rania was engrossed in the film, so I allowed him to nuzzle my neck. "I missed you" he whispered against my skin.

"Okay. Enough touching. Your sister is right here." I tried to wriggle away, but he tucked me securely beside him.
"She'll be asleep before your Twiterella crashes that party," his voice deepened, "I can't wait to get you alone, until then."

I bit my lip nervously, as I studied his handsome profile. How will you take this news? before I could ponder too much on it, I felt the tell-tale signs if nausea. Argh!! Not now, Bean!

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