I hurriedly took the rope and started to tie it up.

Just I was about to go down

I realized something fell or contained the vase.

I need that! But then someone was already on the rope.

No time for that...need to go now.


Chief Danny shouted as Manda goes down fast and faster but suddenly

The rope loosened.
Resulting to Manda falling down.

With Chief Danny looking down at the window, he confirmed that it was Manda, informing everyone.

Agh...my back hurt... Ah...
I need to run... can't let her down...

Even under so much pain, Manda continued to run as fast as she could.

As she continues to run, cars follow her.

Manda!! Just stop already!
Chief Danny shouted whilst using a megaphone.

Hearing that, made me want to run faster.

Manda turned to a steep road, forcing them to abandon it.

Damn it! Chief Danny shouted signalling Manda to stop.

Manda find herself in a dead end.

Manda... I'm giving you a chance... If you stop now, I'll let you go and inform the others all right?

I know you are not the killer! But please leave this to us, we have to follow the rules!

Manda turned to Chief Danny.

Can you tell him to drop his gun and throw it to the other side. Manda said with a distance.

Chief Danny looked at him, and he throwed the gun.

And the other one behind his back.
He then threw the gun.

Chief Dan...

I'm truly sorry.
Manda swiftly took out her gun and shot Chief Dan.

As he lies on the concrete, Manda then jumped to the other side.

I'm sorry Chief... But when I'll get to the bottom of this... I'll show it... To avenge her death.
Tears ran down, Manda wiped it.
But she continued to run.

I can't go to my house... Police are probably surrounding it. Manda then stopped and rested.

Catching breaths, to think what she could do now.

She spotted the convenience store and ran to it.

Agh help...
Manda then fainted making everyone shout in fear.

Except for one.

Who approched Manda

Maam? Are you all right? A familiar sound echoed.

I tried to get the best look but it was all blurry.

Maam! Maam?!

I closed my eyes...

It feels...

Different here...

I opened my eyes.

I don't know this place... Looks clean.
Manda tries to get up.

Agh! Manda groaned...

I checked my back...

There was a bondage...

But still I can't move

I feel like I'm paralyzed... But maybe it's just the pain...

I then hear footsteps

I closed my eyes again.

I hear...

Agh... It's cold... Is this person trying to...bathe me?

Oh no no no...

I opened my eyes and to my surprise


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