The Quake : Part 10

Start from the beginning

Neteyam- Well that's true, but I was talking about what happened with Lo'ak.

Aonung- Oh . . .

He shifts a bit, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Neteyam- He thinks you may be upset with him.

Aonung- Oh . . .

Neteyam- Which would be pretty justified, but I know you aren't like that.

Aonung-  . . .

Neteyam- Can you fuckin' say something already? I feel like I'm talking to the damn tree.

He takes a breath, knowing exactly how he feels, but not about the matter at hand. Neteyam observes his face and can tell he wants to say something.

Neteyam- Talk to me, dolphin. What's up?

Aonung- I . . . I'm not not upset, a little disappointed yeah, but if I can't go to a friend then maybe I will just go to some stranger.

Neteyam- So, you're just gonna mess around with some rando now?

Aonung- I mean . . . Not . . . Well . . . Is that wrong?

He lets out an airy chuckle and smiles at the innocence that is Aonung.

Neteyam- No, it's just, that's really opposite to your demeanor.

Aonung- But it's fine, right?

Neteyam- Yeah. I don't think your parents would approve though.

And neither would he.

Neteyam- Better keep your fun on the low, unless things get serious.

Mainly because he doesn't want to be a witness to it. Watching him with Lo'ak was enough.

Aonung- Okay.

Aonung sighs, feeling some relief. Neteyam wanted to be of more help, but with a problem like that, there's no way he can help in the way Rotxo wanted him to. He still has to get over how sometimes the marine boy himself is a trigger for him, due to his similarities to someone he lost. He hates the idea of Aonung being with someone else, but he also can't hold him back for nothing.

Aonung- Thanks.

Neteyam- No problem.

Aonung smiles, then glances at the scars around his wrists, remembering what he heard those strange Na'vi say to him.

Aonung- About what those guys said, in the infirmary . . .

Neteyam- Ah, yeah, that's how I got the scars. I was gonna tell you before, but you fell asleep.

Neteyam smiles a bit at the memory of Aonung sleeping soundly in his cave, but he's unaware of the misunderstanding that was just created. Assuming what happened between Neteyam and those guards wasn't something he enjoyed, all Aonung can think is that this boy that was supposedly so violated can't possibly want to be touched by anyone anymore. He's always been a bit afraid of doing so, and after finding out what he thinks happened to him, he's even more afraid.

Neteyam- Hey, I'm fine now though. No worries.

Aonung- Are you sure? The way you get sometimes is-

Neteyam casually lies his head on Aonung's shoulder, closing his eyes with a sigh. This is the contact he feels safest with. It's comforting to him, but also all he can really offer.

Neteyam- I'm okay, Aonung. 

He looks down at Neteyam resting peacefully on him. Every time they're together he feels the urge to protect him, even knowing he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Ever since they found friendship in each other, his image of him has been steadily changing.

He used to think Neteyam was this distant, wild, and mysterious character. Some aspects of him are still a mystery, and he's far from tame, but he's closer to him than Aonung ever thought possible, even with his optimism.

From the beginning, he so easily made Aonung lose his cool. Made him break the rules and stray from his routine. Even made him become more violent than he's ever been. But with his feelings now clear to himself, he has no problems with any of the ways Neteyam affects him.

If what he feels for the younger Sully brother is some urge of pure physical need, he can only assume the way he feels for Neteyam is the complete opposite. Little does he know this boy lying on his shoulder feels the exact same way, neither one daring to tell the other.

The feelings that are pent up, however, are often the ones that become the strongest. There's no way to tell what'll happen when such strong emotions suddenly burst from the seams they're withheld in. All that's certain is that this new home will give them a perfect place to figure things out.

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