Chapter 13

46 2 15

Third pov

Bloom.... Bloom


A yell jolted him out of his thoughts, if that was what you could call it. He felt exhausted, like he had just ran two marathons.

He looked around, tying to find the fake boss that hurt his friends. But in his places was a body to mutilated to tell whi it was. There was no way it was him, I mean. A brief period if time which he couldn't remember, the tankfish dissappears. It was to good to belive that he was dead.

But the entry card around the bodies neck told him otherwise.

Now the only question was how? And where did his friends go?

He looked around to see that Divided and Ji had them. Divided was holding dyso bridal style, while Ji carried bugsby on his back.

That got them back, but at what cost. The blood on his hands, the body, the person he used to look up to.

Yet he couldn't find it in himself to regret, or feel sorry.

Divided's yelling, telling them to get back to base, was the only thing taking him back to earth. He focused on getting he others back to the vase, helping faded and bri clear the path.

They made it back without anymore problems, or injury.

It was over now...



Heyyy, I'm back. I took a small break, well not that small but yeah. Mainly because there was to much on my mind. I just couldn't find it in me to get up, even eat anything. And unfortunately I can't put everything in words like usual. It was painful, but I'm better than ever and ready to write again.

Once again sorry for my absence. There wasn't a real reason for it, I just couldn't.



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