Chapter 8

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Tank fish's pov

I slam my fist against the table. The person who gave me the news flinched back but stayed back. "Find them," I growl. She nods her head and heads of to who knows where. I needed to find them before the others complete the game which they are coming scarily close to.

They had been missing for two two weeks but whoever took them still sent Divided pictures on their wellbeing every day.

I groan in frustration as we come to another dead end. Trying not to pull my head out I make one last minute decision. One that could save or ruin me. With this in mind I dial the number

"I see you need my help then"

Dyso's pov

I groan as my eyes adjust to the bright white that has recently replaced out walls. I was still roomed with bugsby but there was now a separate side for eachother.

As I awake fully I am moved to a different room again. I was seriously getting sick of moving do much.

As we enter the room I notice that it is completely empty. All apart from a leather chair in the middle. Next to the chair is a needle soting on a tray. The inside of the needle is like something I haven't seen before. Its was a radioactive looking green with and electric blue swirling inside.

I man enters the room after I have been strapped down. He positioned a camera and turns it on. After preparing the camera he walks over to the tray. Picking up the needle he grins. I gulp as he slowly walks towards me holding the needle out.

He swiftly injects it into my arm. I hear a scream and, discover that it is my own. A sense of relief floods me as I hear that its not bugsby. But that relief is quickly washed away as pain overcomes me. It feels like my head is being ripped from my neck, and my bones are growing out of my body.

Faded's pov

I hear a startled yell come. And a scream that sounded like it came from dyso. When j enter the room that Divided is in with the video. I see him as white as a ghost his ozone thrown across the table. I pick it up and click play.

Thats when I see what he was so scared of.



Hi. Hello. What do you think happened to dyso. Here's a hint look at the cover for the book.
Thats all see you later.



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