17 - fucking her out

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I sipped on the cocktail for the second time, trying my best to understand what exactly is in it. "I don't know, Ali. It's like peppermint but also strawberry." I gave her a glance whilst saying.

"What happened, Madi?" I watched her release a laugh. "Lost your taste buds?" Alina asked and i gave off an eye roll, giving up on this dumb guessing game.

"You're also absolutely cruel. I'm surprised you didn't admit it after what you just did to me." I began and took another taste of the drink. "I'm a slut, huh? What for? How many times had i repeated the fact that i haven't been with anyone this whole time!" I blurred out and finally looked up, Alina just staring back at me with a hidden smile.

"Did you even hear what i said?" My eyebrows furrowed, showcasing confusion. "You know, the first time i met you, i never would have thought that i'd love you this damn much." She finally spoke but something i wasn't expecting.

"Okay now! You constantly bugged me about bringing up love and now you're just doing the same thing to me? I have every right to get mad, Alina!"

"God, you're so fucking cute when trying to be annoyed." She leaned closer with a smile. "You're so unserious."

"Me? I'm unserious?! I just told you i loved you! Is this how we'll be moving further? Nudging each other about the stupidest things?" Alina confessed but kept her smile up that i still had no desire to copy.

"I'm not nudging you. I was mentioning something serious and then you just completely ignored me. You didn't even listen to me either."

"Oh, no. I heard you but i didn't have a reasonable answer to that.. name calling i gave you." The woman said and i absorbed her walk around the counter, slowly turning my stool to make us face each other.

"Sorry but not. I was actually raged from what you've got me dragged into. This whole mess of a thing we call love. Madi, do you even understand how sudden all of this is? Won't even begin with the fact about when it happened. All you had in mind was to play me, fuck around just so you can steal a dumb diamond."

"Please, stop. I'm over this. Sure it's the most oddest and weirdest way to meet but here we are now." I gracefully reached my arms out, setting them on her shoulders. "I hope happy together and won't be spreading lies anymore." I finished with a smile.

"Mhm. Soo.. how about i showcase you the new house? It's a cute cabin. Well, okay, quite magnificent but god is it a whole cleanser for yourself from having it a bit further from the city chaos."

"But don't you have to work? The night shift? Gonna fail your friend and let the club get robbed?" I questioned with surprise. "I only have 2 hours left. No one is gonna come here." Alina responded and pulled herself closer, laying a soft kiss right on my neck.

"Did you not have enough? I'm barely functioning here, if you can't tell!" I gave off an eye roll, pulling my arms away. "I swear to god, Madi! Roll your eyes at me one more time and i'll give them a reason to roll without giving a fuck about how sore you are." My face was grabbed, yanking me right in position to face hers.

"But that wasn't even what i was referring to with the offer to come to my place! Madi, I want you to stay. Not leave ever again."

"Sorry. But i can't tonight. Lorraine will suspect something. Actually, now that i mention her. Before i had left her house to come here, she said she won't be giving up on you so please be careful."

"Oh my god! Who gives a fuck about her? I could have easily slicked her throat when i went to get my necklace back so it won't be a problem to actually do it if i come face to face with her again."

"What the hell has happened between you two? Such hate."

"I'll tell you one day. But what now? You'll just be leaving me here to rot for those 2 hours? And what are you gonna tell that cold hearted demon? You failed another mission of hers so if she dares to lay a hand on you, i'll-"

"Shh." My finger caressed her lips. "I know how to lie and do you not see the good side of this? I can still pretend that everything is fine and that i'm up for any jobs she gives me. I'll be your news reporter." I slipped my arms around with a proud smile.

"Oh you're so good. Just sadly not as good when having sex. Lack strength. Can't take a single slap without feeling the pain through your whole body."

"Excuse me!" I forced my palms against her shoulders but she immediately grabbed my wrists, keeping herself in place. "I'll show you something next time we meet. This is fucking revenge! So you just wait." I slid off the stool after announcing. "Alright. I like fun. I'm free for you at any time so just call." Alina leaned in for one last kiss before we said our goodbyes.


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