Chapter 2 - Fighting an Idiot

Start from the beginning

I don't understand what exactly I had done to make him dislike me so much, but whatever it was he needed to get a grip, he doesn't even know me. 

"You know, I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you." I bluntly replied.

"You know," he began, "You only annoy me when you're breathing."

Instead of being insulted or mad, I took it as a challenge. Our eyes never left each other and he seemed to be waiting for round two. I remembered back at my old school the boys always took pride in their looks so I decided to offend his hair.

"So I am horrible to look at. At least I take pride in my appearance." I countered, hoping he would take the bait.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He said calmly, but I could feel the venom in his words.

He took the bait, I smiled, I was going to enjoy this. "I don't think anyone has mentioned this but, your hair is sticking up in the back." I waited eagerly as I stared at his face waiting for his response. Nothing.

As I looked around I noticed everyone's eyes were on us. I momentarily forgot they couldn't speak English. As I looked back at the idiot I realized my words had finally sunk in, his eyes had seemed to grow wider at what I had said. He growled, "My hair is supposed to be that way." His cold eyes were burning into mine.

I gave him a once over and snickered. "I'm not saying your hair is bad, but my cat coughs up better-looking stuff."

That was it, he snapped and launched himself at me. He tackled me to the ground and threw a punch at my face, which I dodged. Pulling my leg to my chest, I kicked outward, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He gritted his teeth and he stood up, grabbing my leg that I kicked him with. He twisted my leg and I went with the twist, flipping into a pushup position. He grabbed my hair and I yelled and flipped my leg and hair out of his hands, back into my fighting stance.

My heart was beating fast. I have a feeling that he could do much worse to me, something about the way he was fighting me seemed purely like a test. 

I pulled out my dagger and he pulled out his long blade. I launched myself at him and ducked under his blade as he swung it at me. I turned around so my back was against his chest. His left arm held me while his right arm swung the blade at my neck. Fortunately, my dagger caught his blade and we were stuck. I was pushing his blade away from my neck while he was trying to cut my throat.

"You were done?" He asked.

"Not yet," I muttered and with a groan and a new adrenaline rush, I pushed his blade away from me and twisted around so we were apart and facing each other again. We were both breathing heavily and I saw a determination in his eyes. 

He launched himself at me at the same time I did. As he swung, I ducked underneath him and slid under his legs, I almost made it but his left hand grabbed me and pulled me up, sword at my throat he smiled.

"I beat you," he snickered.

"Take a second look, idiot." I raised my eyebrow as he did a double take.

His eyes widened. Sure enough, his blade was at my throat, but what he didn't notice at first was that my dagger was pressed against his chest. If anything he did win, the entire time I could feel him holding back whereas I was at my limit.

A slow clap started from the corner of the room and then it erupted into an applause.

"Very well done you two," Orochimaru spoke. Again I turned to the idiot who had his sword at my throat. I didn't even have to ask.

"He says 'Very well done you two'."

"Honestly! What is your problem with me?" He released me and turned around.

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