Acceptable Losses

Start from the beginning

Echo looked down, "Trust me, she's going to forgive you,"

Echo looked up at the girl who let tears fall down her face. Jay was quick to wipe them away.

"Look, trust me, when I say this, she is the only normal one that got out the bunker." Echo said.

Jaycee looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Everyone else came out different, like they've seen things that no person should have to see. Nova didn't seem different like that, I mean yeah, she grew and everything but she still seemed like her kid self" Echo told the girl.

It was kind of true, no matter what, Nova didn't turn out like Octavia, Echo knew this because Nova still cared about others, she told Octavia that Echo shouldn't be banished if she was able to live with the others on the Ring.

Jaycee smiled, "Thank you for letting me know," she sniffled.

"Of course," Echo nodded.


Bellamy's POV

Clarke and I were looking for Indra, once we spot her, I saw Nova on the other side of the room with a drink in her hands.

I looked at Clarke, "hey, wait for me, I'm going to talk to Nova." Clarke looked at me, then to Nova.

"Alright, don't be long" Clarke said as she walked a different direction.

I walked up to Nova as she was looking at her cup.

"Hey kid," I said as I sat down.

Nova looked up at me, "hey,"

Once I sat down I looked at her. She looked sad, I tilted my head, "what's wrong?" I asked her.

She just shook her head and said nothing.

I sighed, "cmon kid, you can tell me anything." I started to think. "Is this about Jaycee?"

Nova looked at me and rolled her eyes. "No." She took a paused before she continued what she was saying, "She was stupid enough to get caught."

I looked at her with wide eyes, "you don't mean that, cmon Nova, she care about you, she loves you-" before I could finish my sentence, I was cut off by Nova who was angry.

"I don't care!" Nova banged on the table with her fists, everything went quiet before She says "you say she loves me? Right? But she left me! She left me alone in the bunker! She has no idea, how much I've seen, and what I've had to done to survive!" I saw Nova start to form tears in her eyes.

"Nova that's not fair-" I started but then again got cut off.

"What's not fair! Is that I spent 6 years! 6 damn years! In the bunker! She said she was going to come back! I waited for her!" I saw one tear slip on Nova's face. "She didn't! Bellamy!" I saw more tears come down on her face as I looked at her, "Even if she isn't here right now, she can't just walk back into my life after six years and expect everything to be okay! She left me! She left me alone! She sent me to the bunker! How could she do that to me!" She said with no regret. I could tell that she meant every word that was coming out from her mouth. That's what broke my heart.

I watched at Nova sighed, trying to calm down. "Look, Bellamy. You aren't my dad. I'm not your kid. So, stop treating me like it," That's what broke my heart even more. The truth is that I did love Nova as my own.

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