Chapter 3- Love At First Sight

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A While Later

     School ended for the day as everyone went home or stayed at school to hang out. Silver had to wait for his parents to arrive. However, one of his friends also stayed. He came over to Silver asking if they wanna go to the library for a while.

  "Hey Silver!" Raizen called.

  "Oh, h-hey Raizen! What's up?" Silver asked.

  "Wanna go to the library with me? Or are you going now?" Raizen asked.

  "No, my parents won't be here till 6. Since they have to pick up my cousin for my aunt and uncle." Silver said.

  "4 whole hours..? Sheesh that's long." Raizen exclaimed.

  "Hahah, I know right?" Silver chuckled.

  "Lmfao, anyway, wanna come?" Raizen asked.

  "Sure thing!" Silver smiled.

     They head to the library that's only at the 2nd floor to begin with. As they head in, the library was extremely huge. It had many genres of books to choose from. Along with some books that were used in subjects before. Silver was amazed at this library.

  "Woah! This is so cool! Was the library always this big?" Silver asked.

  "Not originally, it was at a small shed few years ago. But the library was moved here since a constant amount of students kept getting lost." Raizen said.

  "I still love this library though! There's no people here right?" Silver exclaimed.

  "No, the librarians went home early. I'm always the assistant in case." Raizen said.

  "Phew.. I'm kinda scared of librarians. The ones at my old school always slap our hands whenever we make one single noise." Silver sighed.

  "And how hard does it hurt?" Raizen asked.

  "Very." Silver was pissed.

  "Heheh, and you never had your hand bandaged? You must be really good at being sneaky." Raizen chuckled.

  "You can say that." Silver said.

     The two spent their time in the library finding and reading together. They pretty much bonded very well already when they met. But while Raizen was reading a book, Silver fell asleep halfway. He noticed and laid Silver's head on his shoulder. Raizen smiled, but at the same time he felt weird.

  "Man.. I only met this guy and yet I feel.. weird already." Raizen thought.

     He started to feel a tingling feeling inside of himself. He thought it was just some strange affectionate feeling on him. But it wasn't just affection, it felt like a crush. Yet he kept thinking to himself that it was odd feeling love at just first sight.

  "Oh fuck.. is this love..!? Nononono.. I only met this guy and.. I'm already feeling this.. ughhhhh.." Raizen thought.

Few Hours Later

     The announcer called from downstairs that Silver's parents came. One of the students came to the library and saw both Raizen and Silver. That student approached to them telling them that Silver's parents are here.

  "Psst, Raizen?" The student called.

  "Oh, hey Ethan, what is it?" Raizen asked, as it was actually Ethan that came.

  "Silver's parents are here now. He needs to go." Ethan said.

  "Oh, okay Hang on, Silver wake up!" Raizen said as he patted Silver's shoulder.

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