Sending Love Letters!! (2/2)

Start from the beginning

"I told you" Yukimiya collected the few coins "I swear there's some other girl he likes, why else would he stop talking to the others?"

"Rejecting girls for another girl?" Karasu also found this really suspicious "Unlikely. That would imply that he actually isn't a total ass. Which we know isn't true."

Otoya rolled his eyes "Who do you think I am? Also- if you're gonna discuss your little 'bets', maybe don't do it right in front of my locker." he laughed, not answering their questions

Hiori and Karasu frowned, "cmon, tell ussss!!" Yukimiya nodded in agreement "I must say, I'm curious too. Who's the lucky or... unlucky girl?"

Otoya scoffed "No one. I don't like anyone." he laughed "Do you really think I'd get attached to someone so easily? Only a fool would do that."

As he said that, he opened his locker to grab his jacket, when an envelope fell out. It spun in the air before landing on the floor, face down with the signature showing.

" '[Y/N]', heart." Karasu read, "Is that the girl?"

Otoya swiped the envelope up quickly, "You saw nothing." he shoved it in his bag, pretending nothing happened

"[Y/N]? Do you like her!?!"

"Does she like you!?"

"Why is it signed with a heart!?"

"Is it a love letter!?"

The three boys bombarded Otoya with questions, to which he didn't answer. "I dunno what you guys are talking about." He laughed with a smile, but his heart was beating so fast. He was asking himself the same questions, "Does she like me? Do I like her? Is it a love letter? Why is it signed with a heart???"

"Wait [Y/N]? She's in my chem class, I have a project with her." Karasu remembered working on it with you

"Lucky bastard..." Otoya whispercursed with a smile under his breath, Hiori and Yuki gave him a side-eye, not knowing what he said

"Wait, doesn't she have a boyfriend-???" Karasu looked at him

"Does she?" Otoya internally panicked, there's no way you were already taken by someone else. "That's fine, I can work with that." he shrugged it off

"Why would she send him a letter then?" Hiori questioned

Karasu laughed, "That was a trap, I just wanted to see if it really was her." he gave a prideful huff "She is in my class though- I'll ask her tomorrow."

Otoya froze in playful betrayal, "I don't like her. I swear"

Yuikimiya rolled his eyes "Right right."

Otoya laughed before grabbing his jacket and bag "Whatever. I'm gonna go home now, cya tmr."

"Make sure to read it!"

"Remember to write back!!"

"Bye lover-boy!!"

The three boys teased him about the newfound crush. Otoya only scoffed and smiled, before walking home, reading the letter on the way.

He looked around him to make sure no one was watching, before smiling like an idiot at the confession. "Hm. Knew she'd like me." He felt a surge of pride, "Now i'm guaranteed to win her over." He tucked the letter away, already thinking about what to write back.

[Adding on from First/Second Encounters, SchoolAU!w/Otoya, Hiori, and Yukimyia]

You and Karasu had been passing each other notes for quite a while now, sometimes in class, or just in the hallway, whenever, really.

The two of you even went out a few times, as friends(??) of course. Eventually making your own codes together as a fun pass-time

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