chapter 6

6 1 0

warning +15
martin(blushed hard): what no that's not fair
kay(goes close to him and kissed him multiple times)
martin(kisses back): mmmh~
kay(starts to crawl his hand under martin's skirt and moving his hand around martin's a$$ then lift his leg up to his waist then breaks the kiss and kept touching his a$$ and private area)
martin(breathes heavily and fast)
kay(licks martin's lips and bites his lower lips to get an entry)
martin(doesn't let him in)
kay(bites harder)
martin(let him in)
kay(goes in and explore martin's mouth with his tongue then stops and starts to get lower to his neck and starts to kiss it)
martin: mmm~babe no
kay(bites his neck then licks it)
martin(moans): Ahh~mm~ wolfie please stop i'm sorry i won't wear them again just stop we are in the middle of the forest
kay(stops everything and sit up and look at him): i'm just jealous love i can't stand someone stares at you but you look cute with that hickey and red face
martin(sits up): What?! Are you kidding with me wolf a hickey hmph i hate you(crosses his hands and looks away)
kay: really then i love you too
martin(get mad): i hate you you stupid wolf i wish that i never came to see you(starts to hit him lightly in his shoulders and chest)
kay(catches his hands and kiss it): i missed you too a lot in this past week i missed your smile and kisses and everything about you can you smile for me please
martin(blushes and chuckles then smiles): i swear you're a whole idiot i don't know what i loved you for
kay(smiles): i don't know but what i know is that i love you very much
martin: me too
kay(surprised): what did you just say
martin(blushes more): nothing
kay: come on please kitty repeat it
martin: fine fine i..... love..... you
kay(kisses his hands): i love you till the end and it will never end

in another place but not far there was someone who was watching and hearing all of this

???*ugh why always him why he takes everything why but don't worry you will not enjoy this relationship and i will take him from you so wait*


i'll do my best see you in the next chapter

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