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"is there a way to beat this kyodai dragon" misato asked

"truthfully, i don't know, something you have to understand is that the getters were created by humans, that means by extension, the kyodai dragon was also created by humans in the same vain as the evangelions, do i have plans in place to fight against it, technically yes, do i know weather these plans will work, unfortunately not" i said

"and these plans are" ritsuko asked

"i intend to recall all three pieces, and allow getter emperor to assimilate evangelion technology, and then upgrade it technologically as well as mystically" i said

"you can just recall them" misato said

"no i can ask for them, i am however certain my requests will be granted as my vaults hold the most advanced tech and practices in existence, and this doesn't even include the evangelions" i said

"what do you intend to do with them" misato asked

"i intend to integrate them, so that they function similarly to an autonomous assault ark, with each piece having a command unit" i said

"do you have a unit planned for all three" misato asked

"i have a plan in place for jaguar and bear" i said

"what about eagle" misato asked

"i will likely have to retrofit one of my mass production units for eagle, for my spouses use" i said

"and the units you intend to use for jaguar and bear" misato asked

"the the rebuilt Mk.6 will be implemented for jaguar, i would like to use the EVA unit-08 for bear, but if you decline i have a back-up unit in place" i said, misato and ritsuko began to whisper to each other

"why not retake control of all three during the refit" misato asked, i paused

"i did not acquire getter emperor, i was chosen for it, i was chosen specifically to command the emperor eagle, instead of keeping it combined, i kept in it's three components which led to the other two pieces also wishing for pilots" i said

"they are alive" ritsuko asked alarmed

"in the same sense the EVA's are alive, akagi" i said waving her off, ritsuko calmed down at that and allowed me to continue

"at the time, i was leading everything, and honestly it was too much i could not keep up with everyone's needs and was relying so heavily on others to essentially make my decisions for me that i wasn't leading they were, i was just the figure head, and i knew it, so i figured, why not let the other two pieces choose the new leaders of the galaxy, i originally attempted to give up control over all three pieces" i said

"then why do you still have the third one" misato asked

"because the keyword there is 'attempted', it's just like me leaving NERV, how did that turn out" i asked

"about that" misato asked, i nodded for her to continue

"was it your doing that merged us with our alternate dimension counterparts" misato asked

"technically yes and no, it started as an accident as i was simply attempted to release all the souls in that world, that wished to be released, i gave them three choices they could remain in the so-called 'paradise' which i prefer to refer as limbo, they could 'pass on', or they could return to the living world, did i wish to fuse you, no, and technically i could have stopped it, but i was convinced by rei that this would A not affect most of society as i could only resurrect one world i couldn't do both, and i already started resurrecting the people from the neon genesis world, the only way to abort would be to kill everyone there" i said, ritsuko and misato blanched at that

"yes as you realize not an option, the fusing i could have stopped but rei convinced me otherwise do to those being affected were practically all part of NERV, and rei believed that you could learn some lessons from your counterparts" i said

"my counterpart was a petty bitch" ritsuko said, i simply looked at her

"i know, i am practically no better" ritsuko said

"i feel ashamed of what my counterpart did, or rather didn't do, for her charges, and i realize i failed you in our world too" misato said

"you did and you didn't, i was a brat in this world much worse then ours, i actually got to speak with my counterpart, i think you know which choice he chose" i said

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