015 | 30 days since an accident

103 4 3

It has been 30 days since they brought back the people from the governor, Daryl was brining in more people along with Rick.

Michnne went on a lot of supply runs mostly to get comics for April and Carl.

Aprils ankle was just getting better, the girl was finally able to stand on it, Walking? That's a different story.

"Maggie I told you I'm ready" the teen said as she stood up wanting to walk.

"God your so stubborn, fine you can try but if you fall I'm not letting you leave this bed even if your crawling"

"And I'm stubborn?"

"Just stand up before I change my mind"

She flashed Maggie a smirk before standing, she reached her arms up and held up April as she started to walk.

It hurt but she was doing it, slowly.

"Think you can make it to the group? We're all gonna decide what to do about the walkers at the fence, Carls gonna be there, we all thought you should too if you could walk"

"Really? Yes, yes I can make it thank you Maggie"

"Anytime now let's go"

They slowly walker to the room everyone was in.

Maggie stepped away and let her stand while leaning against a wall, no one had noticed her yet.

"Look who's no longer a cripple!"

"Hey way to go kid" Glenn cheered.

The adults at the table celebrated for her win of standing and walking even if it was 15 steps.

Carl turned around and got up staring at her standing.

"This is the tallest I've seen you in a month"

"Don't push it my leg hurts not my hands"

He backed away and laughed.

"You're not wearing your hat.." she ruffled his hair.

"Not really a farming hat, why don't like my hair?"

Her voice lowered into a whisper

"You look good either way"

He didn't hear.

"Okay let's sit you down" Maggie said as she lead her to a chair.

Daryl lead the meeting.

"Okay so we're here about the fence, the walkers are pressing against it, eventually it'll cave and let them in" "the pigs are out there so we'll have no meat if that happens"

"Cant we just kill them?"

"There's like 50 out there, may not seem like a lot but if we get overwhelmed then it's over, and we're down a few, you can't walk, Rick doesn't want to neither does Tyrese, we can't ask the kids"

"Then I don't know, just slowly take them out so we don't have a pile up?"

"Alright take out 5 at a time when your out there, no more no less"

Hershel came up behind the smith girl once the meeting was over.

"I got you a present dear"

"Hershel you didn't have to"

"I know but i remember when I lost my leg, it sucked, I can't even imagine it for a kid your age so we were in a hospital and I got you these" From behind his back he pulled out crutches.

"Thank you so much!" She wrapped her arms around the man, "it seriously means so much"

"Of course and if your in need of help on how to use them, I'm a pro"

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