Chapter 2

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Maya's fingers danced across the keyboard, and the soft click-clack of the keys echoed around her as she diligently responded to the influx of emails she received over the weekend. As a new partner in the marketing firm, she wanted to show pride in her work and was determined to ensure that each client received the attention and care they deserved.

Just as she hit send on the last email, her computer's calendar popped up with an alert, reminding her of the upcoming meeting. Maya glanced at the notification, feeling both excited and nervous at the prospect of leading her own team.

She stood for a quick stretch and a deep breath to center herself before gathering her iPad and heading to the conference room.

"How is everyone this morning?" Maya greeted the three people seated at the table as she entered the meeting room.

Maya watched as they shared cautious looks as if they didn't know exactly what was correct or if they could truly be themselves. "How about I go first."

"I'm Maya Dubois. I was born and raised in Chicago. I'm one of 5... And the only girl, so I didn't date until I moved out of my parents." She paused to laugh and gauge the reactions. "I have always been creative. I have always had a knack for sales and marketing, and I'm full of ideas that are sometimes outside the box. I followed that creativity through college, majoring in marketing with a minor in graphic design at the University of Chicago...and here I am now." Maya's smile widened as she glanced around the table, her gaze meeting each person's eyes.

Maya paused, letting her words sink in before gesturing to the person nearest her. "Alright, who's next?" she prompted, eager to learn more about them.

"I'll go next." An Asian-American woman with a slick black pixie cut and black-rimmed glasses volunteered as everyone else visibly relaxed. "I'm Gina Chanchom. My family is from Laos. I am the first in my family not to go into the medical field; I have lived in 10 different states until last year when I settled in California, and on the weekends, I play in a band."

Maya nodded, impressed by Gina's story, giving her the full attention she deserved. "It's great to meet you, Gina," Maya said warmly, asking a follow-up question to show she was genuinely interested. "What kind of music does the band play?"

Gina's eyes lit up at Maya's question, happy to share more about herself. "We play a mix of indie rock and funk. It's a fun blend that keeps things interesting. We've been gigging around local venues here in LA, trying to build up our following."

Maya's smile widened as she listened, genuinely intrigued by Gina's musical pursuits. "That sounds amazing! I'll have to come check out one of your shows sometime."

As Maya turned her attention to the next person, she made eye contact with Rachael, a fiery redhead with dark green eyes that sparkled. Rachael exuded confidence as she introduced herself.

"I'm Rachael Carlson," she began, her gaze sweeping over the group with a hint of pride. "I'm currently a junior partner here at the firm, but my goal is to be promoted to full partner within the next year."

Maya nodded, impressed by her ambition and determination. "That's fantastic. I'll be happy to help with anything you need to make that happen."

Rachael smiled appreciatively, her fiery personality shining through. "I'm also a single mom to a ten-year-old, so balancing work and parenthood keeps me on my toes. Outside of work, I run. At the moment, I'm training for a half marathon."

Maya smiled, nodding in understanding. "Thank you for sharing."

Next, she was greeted by Seth, a distinguished-looking man of Indian descent with an air of sophistication.

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