Baby talk

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The events  of that short week seemed to have been only seconds between taking care of Laura, getting things in order for the wedding, finding a dress ,patching things up with her Dad, keeping the house in order, training , helping maintain peace between the two different species of family  and visiting her parents  Claire  was swamped. Walking into her room and plopping down on the bed she let out a sigh and felt a scenes of relief flush over her over worked body,she was wearing a purple top,jeans and pumps.
But came to an end when the front door opend and closed , who is it now? Claire thought, with groan she got up and walked to the main entrance.
"Helllloooo, Claire bear !!!" "Claire where are you?" ofcourse it was Darci and Mary now that they have officaly been accepted into trollmarket they were there all the time since school wouldn't be starting for a
nother two months. "I'm over here" Claire said with a tired tone "C-bomb why are you so down your getting married tomorrow how aren't you bouncing off the walls?!" Darci asked "I am ,i mean I'm getting married for goodness sake,I'm a mother of a now teething toddler,I'm busy with college classes, I'm keeping the peace between my family and Jim's,I'm constantly training ,keeping house and doing stuff for this danm wedding! So yes Darci I'm just peachy !"Claire yelled throwing her arms in the air. Darci and Mary looked at each other with a concerned look. "Claire?" Everyone's haeds whiped to the door, Jim was standing there with Laura in his one arm while the other was holding a bunch of flowers ,he was wearing is usual outfit that was a blue jacket,whit shirt ,jeans and sneakers. "Jim ,what are you doing here i thought you were visiting your mom?" It was a good thing Drawl made those tunnels under Arcadia that way Jim could go from trollmarket to his mom's house .
"Yeah , i know but we came back early hopping you where still at yours and Laura saw these and reached for them so i thought it might be a nice thank you gift for being the best mother and fiance ever ." confused Claire started walking towards him
"And why is that?" Claire said
"I saw how hard  you where working and i haven't been around much to help you  so i wanted to make it up to you by doing the house work  and let you rest for a bit but it seems like you beat me  home." feeling moved Claire walked even closer to Jim and wrapped her arms around him ,it was a bit challenging since he was holding the flowers and Laura but still.
"You are the best husband under the sun....well moon" "Thank goodness for that other wise i would be a rock right about now" Claire just gave a smile. "Awwww you guys are like my dream couple!" Mary sniffed blinking back tears "Wait a minute Claire you said Husband but you two aren't married yet,why did you do that." Darci said "Now that i think about it ,she has a point,Why did you call him your husband?" With a guilty look Jim looked at Claire and then at Laura as if to signal 'not it!'  "That is actually a funny story but uhm.....Jim and i are well in troll terms already ...well married ......" "What!!!!!!" They exclaimed and Jim almost burst out laughing "Okay okay, that isn't the end of the world "Darci said "Ummm quick question but ummm how do trolls you know get married?" Mary said half heartedly "Your turn jim !" Claire yelled,took Laura ,the flowers and basically speed walked to the otherside of the room "Claire No!!Please !!" Jim pleade "Well?" Darci said impatient "Well.....ummmm....the same way Laura happened" Jim said quickly ,Darci and Mary frantically looked back and forth between Jim and Claire.
"O my God,Claire you didn't!!"
"Well if i didn't Laura wouldn't be here!!" Claire said and gave a nervous laugh and Jim moved out of the door and closed it "Well now that we got that out of the way how about some lunch?" "Lunch would be great " Claire said as she and Jim walked into the kitchen leaving a very bewildered Darci and Mary behind . Only five minutes later did they snap out of it. While everyone ate they talked and finished up some final plans for tomorrow when Laura started to make mubbeling sounds while she sat in her feeding chair  "Why does she keep doing that ?" Jim said looking consirned "She's a baby that's like what they do " Mary said looking down at her phone ,but Laura made a more defined ma sound and it got Claire's attention. "Wait , so she has been doing this the whole day?" "Yeah  pretty much why?" "Why didn't you say something! Mary take a video of this!" Claire said as she walked closer to Laura "Umm okay if you say so ?" Mary pointed her phones camera towards Claire and Laura "Hey honey are you trying to say something?" Claire kneeld infront of her daughter and Jim moved closer , Laura continued mubbeling "mmmmm.....mmma....m...." Jim was almost convinced that she was just mumbling and went to stand next to Claire
"Mmmmm....mama!"Laura blurted out with giggle "O my god Mary did you get that!!" Jim yelled and Claire jumped up and down crying"Claire what is wrong"Darci asked
"I'm my baby's first word"Claire said and Jim hugged her. But that wasn't the end of that
" Mama ,mama !" Laura carried on ,Jim turned to her and picked her up and held her at eye height while Claire looked at him  "Okay show off say Daddy" Laura didn't look impressed by the face she pulled "Come on princess ,say Daddy" Jim said "I don't think she knows how" Darci laughed when suddenly "Dadda!" Laura said with a smile reaching for Jim "CLAIRE DID YOU HEAR THAT!!!" "I DID !!" they both frantically hugged and kissed Laura. "Mary did you get all of this ?" "You bet i did!!" Mary said  "How did she learn to say that so fast?" Darci asked.
Just then Angor walked in and They all turned to him "Mistress i heard yelling what happened?" "Laura spoke ,she said Mama and Dada " Jim answered "But my question still stands how did she learn how to say that so fast?" Darci said scratching her head "Well if i may" Angor said and took Laura "Troll younglings learn how to talk and do things before they age to 8 full moons..." "And what is that" Mary said throwing her arms up " "If you would have let me finish, it means they start talking at eight months old but in Laura's cases she is half of both worlds. So she will learn to talk and survive before she is ....let's say two." "Wait survive what do you mean?" Jim asked "It means she will learn the basics by herself like walking,talking, hidding , climbing and well running" Angor said and put Laura down on the ground , as soon as he put her down she started crawling to Claire
"I didn't know she could crawl" Claire said picking her up "That is because you are  always  holding her, how long has she been this size?" "What ?  one year old size, about five weeks  why you asking?"Jim raised an eyebrow and Angor sighed
"If you can remember the words of the changeling Strickler he said that because Laura is half of both and is born of pure magic she will grow and age faster. She was about five weeks old when she aged the first time so she might age again in the next few weeks." Angor said "What again?" Claire sounded distressed and Jim held her close "Sadly it is what will happen but i can tell you that it will be the last time, after that she will age like a normal child" Angor assured "I guess we have to do a nother photo shoot " Claire sighed "Yessss!!!" Mary yelled in excitement "But first you need your beauty sleep for tomorrow and Jim must sleep somewhere else" "What why?!" Jim said and Claire could hear his hart beat faster "It's tradition that the groom doesn't see the bride before the wedding "Mary said waving her hand in front of his face " Well sadly your tradition won't work ya see the hunter is her mate and they have a youngling so he won't leave no matter what, not even if the sun came in here. It is part of the troll instinct to protect their family." Angor said "Awww that is sweet, but ewww don't rever to them as ....mate's....bleggggg"Mary said grossed out. "Well , we should go we still need to pick up the dresses and get some much deserved chill time so you two love birds can relax and see you tomorrow, Byeee" Darci said basically shoving Mary and Angor out the door with her "Well , that was something else, but i can't believe i was Laura's first word!!" Claire said and Jim grabbed Laura and started to run down the hall "She's mine now !! " "Jim you better not teach her 'Keep it Crispy!!!' or i swear i will strangle you!" Claire yelled chasing after him with a laugh "I make no promises!!"as the halls of the soon to be Lake family house echoed with laughter they had no idea what was coming inthe near future.

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