Her Romeo

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The wind roard and the sky was dark,the only thing that you could see for miles was a bright purple light at the top of the mountain in arcadia. "You took everything from me!"Claire yelled and dark clouds formed behind her "We didn't take anything, we gave you a gift!"Belrock said he was wearing a black suit of armer with a half burnt cape and Scral wore a black robe and had a animal skull on his head. Claire was not sure what she was going to do she can't fight her way out they are to strong and she doesn't know the limits of her powers "Claire!!!" She heard someone call her name in the distance it was Jim "Aa,the trollhunter his head would make a lovely trophy!"Scral said and Claire lost it, her eyes were glowing and her hair floated above her like a raging fire "You monster!"Claire yelled and the ground started to shake
and the wind blew even harder than before, dark shadow pulled towards Claire and formed a dark shadow dragon as she was floating into the sky.Belrock and Scral stepped back "I have never seen this before brother "Scral said in a hoarse voice , the dragon let out a terrifying roar and blue fire came from it's mouth "Kill them"Claire said pointing at Belrock and Scral, the dragon let out a screech and amed right for them. Belrock and Scral disappeared in fin air and the dragon returned to Claire "Well done my pet,you may rest now"she said and the dragon disappeared, exhausted Claire fell to the ground like a rocket reentering the earths atmosfeer. Jim and the others had seen the hole thing and were frozen in fear "Claire!!"Jim yelled running to catch her ,just in time he opened his arms and caught her,he fell on his knees because of the impact but held Claire tight, close to his chest. Her hair had even more white in it now "Claire what happened?"Jim asked running his hand trough her hair "I'm sorry...."Claire said before fainting and a single tear rolled down her face Jim didn't know what happened ,he didn't know who was to blame but Claire was hurt and not just fiscally. He felt a sudden anger rise in him"Give her to us we are taking her home, away from you"claire's dad said walking towards him and almost taking her from him "Get away from her!!!!"Jim roard and held her even tighter. Claire's parents, Darci, Toby, Not Enrique and Angor jumped back, Jim was not sure what came over him but couldn't think of losing Claire he stood up carrying Claire bridal style"You coming Toby, Darci I believe I owe you two an explanation "Jim said not looking at them and started to walk away with Claire in his arms "I'll go with you " Angor, Not Enrique, Toby and Darci said in union and ran after him. Claire's parents walked away and went home they were to afraid to go after Jim.
They soon reached troll market and all the trolls were stering at them "Why are they stering at us?"Darci said moving closer to Toby "They don't like it when more humans come in to troll market "Jim said coldly and walked into Blinky's library "Master Jim,you have returned and have brought visitor... What in Gorkus name happened to Claire!!"Blinky yelled when he saw Claire in Jim's arms , worried he looked at Darci and Toby trying to get a answer "We need to get her to Vendal!" everyone was confused but followed Blinky that was now running "Vendal we need your help!" "What is it now Blinkous? Have you stepped on a gnome again....."He was about to finish when he saw Claire "everyone out now!" "What is going on ?!"Jim asked anxious "We will explain later" "No ,I want to know now ! I'm not leaving my Wife alone with you until you tell me!!" "Wife!!!"Toby and Darci exclaimed "If they don't help her she might not wake up " Angor said "What?"Jim sneered "The amount of power it took from her, the spell, it could put her in acoma or even kill her "Angor continued ,Vendal pulled Claire from Jim's arms and put her on a bed that was in the corner of his hut and put a piece of hart stone on her chest and Claire let out a painful scream "What are you doing to her!" Jim yelled but lost all consciousness when Blinky hit him over the head with a huge book "Get him to his hut and keep him there,he will kill us if he hears her scream again "Vendal said and Toby, Darci and Not Enrique followed Angor as he dragged Jim to his hut . They all went into Jim's hut and saw a bunch of photos of them on the wall and some of Claire and Jim together that must have been taken quit recently, but one of them caught Darci's eye ,it was Claire and Jim together and Claire was smiling so brightly"Were am I?"Jim said waking up "Where is Claire!"he roared and looked at Angor who was standing infront of the door "She is with Vendal and Blinky "Toby said "I have to get to her ""The beat thing you can do for her now is let her rest "Darci said and Jim was silent "Well we wait you can explain "Toby said Jim nodded and started telling them why he did what he did and disappeared "Soo all of this was to keep Tp and C-Bomb safe huh?" Darci said "Pretty much "" Okay I only have one question what is this about Claire being your wife like hello she's only 18 and I wasn't invited to the wedding!" "Well Darci, Claire and I aren't legally married but in troll terms we are husband and wife "Jim said and looked at the pictures of him and Claire "I still don't know why I freaked when Claire's parents wanted to take her away "he sighed "You were following your troll instincts " Angor said "What?"Everyone questioned "When a troll chooses a mate they become overly protective of them and would do anything to protect them."
He finished and they heard a knock on the door "Vendal!is Claire okay?!"Jim yelled "She's fine and is awake.." before he could finish Jim bolted to Vendal's hut and saw Claire "Claire "he said and felt himself being to cry "Hey ,there is my Romeo. "She said and Jim came closer to her ,she opened her arms and like a baby he climbed into her arms and held her tightly, everyone looked at them and decided to give them some privacy and they both soon fell a sleep in each other's arms.

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