Eye of the storm (part 1)

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The next day Claire woke up early to get a few things done before Laura and Jim woke up ,in half an hour she managed to clean the house, finish the laundry and get breakfast ready ,feeling relieved that everything was done Claire sat down for a few minutes only to be interrupted by Laura's crying "Mama's coming, Mama's coming " Claire said and walked to Laura's room but let out a small scream in stead ,that made Jim that was still asleep fall off the bed and run to her
"What happened where is the trouble?!! "Jim yelled and Claire turned around with tears in her eyes, holding Laura "What the F*ck!!!!!"Jim yelled, Laura was no longer a new born baby but a one year old toddler

The next day Claire woke up early to get a few things done before Laura and Jim woke up ,in half an hour she managed to clean the house, finish the laundry and get breakfast ready ,feeling relieved that everything was done Claire sat down for a fe...

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Jim called his mother as well as Claire's, within a few minutes they were there . Barbara brought her doctors bag with her and Sophia had a bag with some extra baby clothes, Claire was crying frantically and was holding Laura so tight ,Laura was still crying a bit her head was on Claire's shoulder and she was gripping her dressing gown tightly while a few tears rolled down her cheek " Claire calm down, my mom just wants to give Laura a check up " "O..O..Okay " Claire said trough her sobs, trying to put Laura down on her bed the little toddler started to cry louder and wouldn't let go of Claire, Jim eventually managed to get her grip loos and Sophia took Claire to the kitchen "Mom ,I..." "Jim we'll be fine, Claire needs you right now  " arguing with his inner thoughts he left to check on Claire , he wonder how this happened and how it was possible but he was more worried about Claire and how she would handle it. " Claire calm down, sweetheart you must breathe " "I ....I ..can..can't ,m..my baby she-she " Claire  could hardly talk " Claire " Jim said and walked to her , he didn't even wait long before she walked into a hug and cried into his shoulder. Not knowing what to do Jim just held her tightly when suddenly the door went open and  Strickler, Toby, Darci, Blinky, Aaarrgghh and Vendal walked in "Jim where is your mother?" "My mom is in Laura's room " Jim answered and Strickler left "uuuuu.....can anyone tell me what is happening here?" Toby asked " Claire bear!!!What happened, are you okay, Jim if you made my bestie cry I'm gonna...uuu....well I'll do something to you ,you oversized blue smurf!!" Darci yelled, not knowing what to do Toby looked at Jim and they both started to laugh " It's not him Darci, Laura she -she..." Claire started to cry again and everyone looked at Jim, while Darci and Sophia (Claire's mom)converted her Jim explained everything, everyone was shocked and saddened by it that everyone understood why Claire was crying . Strickler came out with a nervous expression on his face ,Claire immediately stood up and walked to him "Is Laura okay?" She asked with pleading eyes "She is fine ,Barbara is just giving her a shot for her amunesistem, I thought something like this would happen so I prepared ...." "That is great news Laura is oka....  wait ,did you just say you knew something like this would happen?" Claire said and everything started to shake, wondering what he should  do Strickler looked at Jim but from his face expression Strickler knew he wasn't getting any help from him "Y..yes I did but I was going to Aaaaaaaggaagag" before he could finish Claire grabbed him by the throat and shook him like a maraka    
"Shit ,Claire let him go!" Darci yelled but she wasn't letting go ,Strickler managed to get loos and started to run  around  in the hous trying to hide, Claire was running after him
"JIM!! DO SOMETHING!!HELP HIM!!" Toby yelled as Darci and Sophia tried to stop her "Ya know I think she can strangle him for a bit " Jim said and sat down on the couch "Well done Master Jim Ha ha " Blinky laughed as did Vendal and Aaarrgghh that were looking at the hole thing.  About 5 minutes later Claire got hold of him again and Jim finally stepped in "Start talking Strickler or  she might just snap your neck " Jim urged and gave a small evil  smile"You have five seconds to talk or you won't have any legs to walk with " Darci said  trying to sound threatening, while holding a frying pan" Because Laura is have human, half troll she is growing at a troll's pace, she will have two more growth spurts, till she is no longer a toddler and probably the age of a pre schooler witch is probably 6 years old " Claire didn't even say anything she dropped Strickler  and just walked to Laura's room and everyone was silent till she came back holding Laura with Barbra behind her "Strickler I just want to thank you for warning me earlier about what was going to happen and that you let me know that I would miss out on half of my babies first things like first words,steps and so much more " Claire said sarcastically and everyone got a chill ,her face was emotionless and her voice was cold "Sorry Darci but I don't think girls night is going to happen " "No ,You are going out to night " "What Jim didn't you hear what Strickler just said?" "I did but you need some time to relax, I will take care of Laura and you can go have a fun night out " "But..." "No buts  you are going out tonight " Jim said and Claire sighed knowing she wasn't going to win with him so that night she went out with Darci and Mary.  Jim took Laura with him on patrol , Douxie and Toby were with him "I don't think this is a good idea tobes " Jim said "Relax we have hardly had any trouble since Claire did that witch stuff so just chill" "I know but I still don't like it ,it is to quite " "Jim your just being paranoid " " I'm with Jim on this mate it is to quite " Jim suddenly put is hand over Laura that was in a baby holder strapped to his armour and pulled out his sword " I don't like this " "Neither do I "Douxie said and a evil cackle came from behind them " Scral!" Toby yelled and the ground started to rumble as they turned "Belrock,what do you want!!" Douxie demanded " The child of course " "OVER MY DEAD BODY " Jim growled " That can be arranged "


Claire was uneasy the whole time and  was very stiff, Darci covered for her and told Mary that she just didn't feel very well so they called it a night,  they started walking to troll market " Hey Claire, everything is going to be fine relax." "I know " Claire sighed but saw something in the distance "Wait what is that?" Claire said and started to run towards something and Darci followed " CLAIRE WERE ARE YOU GOING!?" just a few minutes later they were standing in the middle of a fight between Jim, Douxie, Toby and Scral. Claire's eyes started to glow and she hit Scral right in the chest with a magic purple arrow, scral then disappeared form sight and Claire ran to Jim hoe was looking all around him "Jim are you okay,what's wrong?!" " I ...I ...Lost her ..."  Claire didn't understand, she turned to Toby and Douxie but they just looked Down to the ground . She soon realised what he ment and started to get dissy, she almost fell over but Jim caught her "Don't touch me!" Claire yelled looking at him with tears in her eyes 
"Claire I'm sorry " Jim said almost crying " I knew I shouldn't have left ! If anything happens to her I swear I will never speak to you again!!" Claire yelled and started to walk away,confused Jim asked " Claire, Were are you going!?" "To get my daughter back."

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