Untold love

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Jim and Claire where asleep in Claire's room, lying close to each other "mmmmm,"Claire groaned she was having a nightmare "You will never save him,you will be alone again..... and we will be your only hope......"Two voices cackled "No!" Claire yelled letting out a terrified scream  "Claire,Claire!Wake up !" Jim was rubbing Claire's back trying to wake her up "Jim,Jim!!"Claire cried waking up and looking at him "Your okay, it's over,your safe,I'm here."He said pulling Claire into a hug and holding her in his arms witch was easier since he wasn't wearing armour but sweat pants and a tank top that said Keep it crispy. Soon Claire fell asleep in his arms and he closed his eyes and thought about what Claire might  have dreamed and what was so horrible that it made her scream like that,he soon drifted off into a deep sleep and only felt Claire's warmth on his stone like skin. The next morning Jim got up trying not to wake Claire and walked to the living room,witch was not a problem since Claire's parents were on a road trip and would only be back a few days before Claire's birthday "Morning Hunta, ya sleep good?"Not Enrique asked jumping down from a couch and walked to the kitchen "Yeah ,except for Claire having one of those nightmares you talked about "Jim said rubbing the back of his neck "I told ya them nightmares were bad"he said jumping up and opening the fridge "I believe you now,but why didn't you come and check if she was okay?"Jim asked with a confused look on his face "I've got use to it ,them nightmares almost made me loos me scruff!" He said with a nasty tone "What do you mean?" "One night big eyes was haven one of them dreams and she sent a ball of purple fire across the room hitting me right on the scruff......" he said and shivered "Since that night, big eyes said that no matter what do not ,I repeat do not enter her room at night when ya hear her scream or ya might just leave without a head,but I knew she would be fine she had you there to keep her calm and she feels safe when you are neer so."he said grabbing a bottle of liquid socks and whatever it was that he trough in there a few days ago, Jim could smell it and even for a troll it would have smelled disgusting. In all this that was happening down stairs Claire woke up in a panic when she saw that Jim was gone ,was it just a dream,  no ,it couldn't have just been a dream she thought and ran down stairs, only to find Jim in the kitchen making breakfast "Jim,your here"she sighed "Ofcourse were else would I be it's daylight "he said pointing to the window "O Yeah right "Claire mummbeld with a smile "So Angor is your teacher huh?"Jim said while finishing breakfast "hmmm,yeah ,he has been training me for the last two years " she said putting stray hairs behind her ear ,Jim gave a plate to Claire that had an omelette on it "Jim this smells great!" "Well I hope it tastes as good as it smells, as a troll I mostly eat metals and other stuff.  But can eat some normal food, like omelettes, meat, basically anything with protein, maybe a vegetable here and there."Jim said biting into his omelette ,"It is delicious!"Claire said with a big smile. They finished eating , washing up and changing into different clothes, Claire was wearing a black tshirt , jeans and sneakers . Jim was wearing a red shirt ,jeans and sneakers,"What you want to do?"Jim asked Claire "Well,we can....."Just as she was about to answer the door bell rang and Jim bolted for the stairs ,Claire only opened the door when she saw that Jim was upstairs "C-Bomb!""Claire bear!"two familiar voices yelled "Darci, Mary ,what are you doing here!?"she yelled, hoping that Jim heard her "We wanted to see our bestie obviously "Mary said,but stopped when she saw something on the couch "O,my insta!!!!is that a guy's jacket!?"Claire turned and looked at the couch, it was Jim's jacket ,he must have left it there when he ran upstairs "What noooo,I've had it for years "Claire said trying to convince her "Nope, you ain't getting out of this one,hoe is he,where is he and how good looking is he!"Darci yelled. Claire was on her toes trying to think of an excuse when she heard Not Enrique in the kitchen with the blender "Sorry, girls Not Enrique is busy with the blender you know how it is gotta go!"she said and slammed the door shut,but Darci knew it was code for "Not infront of Mary ,tell you later" they soon left and went to the park."That was close!" Claire sighed and Jim came down laughing at her "What!"she yelled but Jim just cept laughing and pointing at the window, Claire was confused but looked out the window to see Steve with a broken arm and a swollen face "I didn't mean to hurt him that bad!"she yelled looking at Jim"Wait you did that!Remind me to never get on your bad side!" not ten minutes later and Darci called Claire "Spil!!!""Okay, sooooo I have a boyfriend ""What!C-Bomb that is great you haven't dated in three years!You go Girl!" If she only knew that Claire's boyfriend was Jim ,they talked for a few hours and finally hung up. It was already dark out side and Angor was waiting for Claire in the kitchen "You ready, Mistress " Jim was sitting at the tabel and Jumped when he heard Angor " How does he keep doing that?!" Jim yelled in surprise"Yes,I will be ready to go in five minutes "Claire said and ran upstairs, she came down five minutes later and was wearing a workout pants, tank top and running shoes, "You ready to go?" Jim asked "Wait you're coming with us?" "No,My chraning is to hard for you so " Jim was about to say something when Angor laughed "We will see about that!"he said trying not to laugh "You will be coming with us,and we will see hoe is the better fighter " they all walked to Claire's back yard and she opened a portal to Troll market, the walked trough and ended up in Blinky's library "Claire, what did you tell Darci about us"Jim asked just before they went to Blinky "I only told her that it was a Untold love and my parents don't know about us so we should not say anything about it yet " she said and gave him a wink ,they walked over to Blinky that was reading a book "Master Jim,you are  back ,what is He doing here?"Blinky said raising his eyebrows, looking at Angor in total disgust . Jim and Claire were holding  hands ,but Blinky didn't notice ,he was to focused on Angor"We want to see hoe is the better fighter, your hantur or my enchantress " Angor said with a evil smirk

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