"Corey might suggest it, but Masons will probably choose to ignore him." Liam wrapped his arms around Theo's waist, hugging him tightly with his wolf strength. 

"Can we please go get food? I haven't eaten today, and I think I might disappear if I don't eat soon." Theo was being overly dramatic, but he really was hungry, and a hungry Theo is a very easily annoyed and angry chimera. 

Liam smiled up at the boy, knowing how he gets when he's hungry. 

"Come on. Let's get you food before you bite someone." Liam pulled away and dragged Theo towards the cars to go get food. 

"I'll bite you if you keep talking." Theo said, bearing his fangs playfully at Liam, making the younger smile at the chimera's silliness. 

"Don't think I won't bite back." Liam kept walking through the woods when he was suddenly pulled and pinned against a tree. 

"What are you doing? I thought you were hungry." Liam's heartbeat picked up as he felt Theo's breath brush against his skin. 

"I heard something." Theo looked straight into Liam's eyes and smiled that usual Theo smile. "Your heart's racing, baby. I wonder what could have caused that?" Theo was loving how much Liam's face was bright red even in the dark. Liam could feel the blush taking over his face, which caused his heart to race even more. 

"Oh, I wonder what could possibly cause my heart to skyrocket like that, I really wonder. What could that be?" Liam really picked up a lot of his sarcastic side from Theo, and Theo was very proud. 

"What could that be?" Theo leaned down closer to Liam's ear and whispered. "Could it be me? Or is there something else that makes you go crazy?" Theo gently kissed Liam's cheek and slowly trailed gently, loving kisses down his neck. The feeling of Theo's lips on his skin drove Liam crazy in the best way imaginable. Liam was breathing heavily and running his hand through Theo's hair while his other gripped his shoulder.

Liam gently pushed Theo away. Theo caught his breath and smiled when he saw the multiple hickeys he'd left on Liam. "Don't let those heal." Theo said as he ran his thumb gently across each purple mark he'd made. Liam nodded as he tried to stabilize himself.

"You okay there, gorgeous? You look a big red." Theo loved teasing Liam, it was one of his favourite things to do. 

"You are so annoying. Let's go." Liam started to walk away from Theo, trying not to turn into a puddle on the floor.

He's too good at making me blush. I have to get my revenge. His birthday. Yes. But that's too far away it's only march, I can't wait that long. What else? Lydia's party? No. Oh, a date night? Picnic in the wood? Watch the stars? Tease him? Yes. That's it, I'm going to set up the best date night ever. Liam's thought and continued to plan everything down to the exact spot he would take Theo.

Once the two reached the cars, they stopped when they heard a car in the distance. Thinking it was a random car, Theo and Liam started to get in so that they could get something to eat, but when Liam saw that it was masons car he stopped and walked over to Corey's car, standing and waiting for the boys to pull over. 

After a couple of minute the car came into view, but the boys were too busy to notice or care as they were too into kissing each other.

Mason pulled up in front of Corey's car where he and Corey saw Liam sat on the hood with Theo in between his legs and the two were kissing passionately, Liam's hands were tangled in Theo's hair and Theo's hands were placed on Liam's thighs. 

The couple's kiss was interrupted by mason coughing and the scent of cheeseburgers and chocolate milkshakes lingering in the air, which caught Theo's attention instantly. 

Theo snatched the take-out bag from mason's hand and started devouring a cheeseburger. "Pig." Liam laughed as Theo ignored him and kept eating.

"Here." Liam handed the chimera his cheeseburger after he'd devoured his. Theo tilted his head in confusion. "No, you need to eat too." Liam smiled. "Just eat it. I'm not that hungry anyway." Liam pushed the burger into Theo's hand and started sipping his milkshake. 

"Come on. You need to eat something. Please, for me." Theo held the burger in front of Liam's mouth until the beta finally took a bite. The bite was small and Theo wasn't satisfied. "Really? That's barely a bite." Liam took another bite and finished his milkshake as Theo ate the rest of the burger. 

"Right, come on then. It's like three, half three actually and I need sleep because I need to actually function in school, and today we have a lunch practice and Econ with coach after so I think well all need the energy." Mason finished putting his phone away and walking toward his car. 

"Hey, Liam, can Mas and me stay at yours? I really don't want to deal with trying to get back in the house at this time." Corey wasn't allowed to go home if he was out after ten, he'd have to wait all night and go back in the morning before school to get his gym bag, or he could borrow something from Liam it depends on how he feels when he wakes up. 

"Yeah, of course it's fine. We should get home then, considering the time." Liam and Theo got in Theo's truck, Mason in his car and Corey in his, all three cars driving to Liam's house. 

After parking, the four boys made their may into the house and up the stairs, Mason and Corey made their way to the spare room which was basically Mason's second bedroom while Liam led Theo to his room and the two fell onto the bed exhausted.

Liam got up first, going and finding something to change into while Theo watched him. "What are you doing on Thursday? Nothing, great we're having a date night and yes before you ask I've planned everything already, theoretically, it's in my head." 

Liam wasn't letting Theo speak, so Theo got up and wrapped his arms around Liam, quieting the shorter boy. "I'd love to go on a date with you, and I presume all I need to do is dress decent and show up." Theo felt Liam laugh slightly. "Yes, you only need to be there, I've got the rest covered." Theo kissed Liam's neck. "Good, I think I can do that. Now hurry up, I want to cuddle." Theo released Liam and threw himself on the bed, crawling under the sheets, waiting for Liam.

When Liam climbed into bed, Theo quickly wrapped himself around Liam, making sure the smaller couldn't escape. Seeing Theo act like a big teddy bear warmed Liam's heart, knowing he's the only one Theo feels this comfortable around. 

The two fell asleep in each other's arms pretty quickly, only waking up to Mason screaming that it was seven in the morning, and they needed to get ready. Corey ended up borrowing some clothes from Liam, and Liam stole Theo's old hockey jersey.

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