The dermatologist swallowed before responding, "It's good?"

"Mhmm!" Natalie exclaimed. "I didn't know you could cook like this." She put her cutlery to signal she was done with her plate, that was now empty.

"We both know I have a lot of secret skills." Clem said, satisfied that made Natalie blush again.

Few weeks later Natalie played with her rings with excitement. Clem said she was on her way to her apartment with Ronit and her camera.

There was no real reason to be nervous or panicky about this. It was just a couple pictures, ones that she didn't know she would ever use.

The knocking on the door not only startled her and woke her from her thoughts, but also made her cat meow loudly. "Shhh, be nice. This is important for mommy." She ran her hands through her hair quickly, brushing it so it looked good and then with a deep breath she opened the door.

Ronit Kohen was attractive. Perhaps way too attractive, to the point that the image of her and Clem together was no longer erotic but a strong alarm of jealousy.

"Hey!" Clem said, smiling at Natalie.

The artist completely acted like Ronit was never there in the first place and leaned in to kiss her lips, "Hey."

Then she looked to Ronit and put out her hand for her to shake, "Oh, no greeting kiss for me?" Ronit asked, raising her eyebrows. "I didn't know you were part of the vagina squad, Clem." The filmmaker seemed very pleased. "I'm Ronit."


"Now I see why Clem was so obsessive about this favor. How long have you been fucking?" The brunette walked past Natalie inside the apartment, her camera dangling from her neck.

Natalie seemed surprise to see this woman take the liberty to do whatever the fuck she wanted to do. Clem walked inside, squeezing Natalie's shoulder with affection.

"It must be less than a month, right?" Ronit kept speculating, "You both look like you've been having really good sex."

"I suggest you relax and focus on why you're here instead of picturing a threesome, Ron." Clementine said, making the histrionic woman shut up.

Ronit laughed and took her camera in her hands, "So, where do we begin?"

After taking some pictures of most of Natalie's favorite pieces, Ronit moved a canvas only to find one of Natalie's newest pieces, she couldn't help but ask, "What's with the blue house?"

The redhead's eyes widened, "Oh, nothing. Just a dream I had."

"I don't think I've ever seen a blue house. Beautiful work, though." She complimented. Natalie approached to leave that painting behind the rest of them.

She was so relieved Clem was in the bathroom. For some reason it felt like something she had to keep for herself for now. "Thanks. It's just experimental."

"You should make a portrait of Clem. I can assure you that would win you her heart."

"I'm sorry... what?"

"You know."

"I don't really."

"I'm sorry, it's none of my business, I love Clem like a sister and everything. But she's never liked women, at all. I mean, I tried to seduce her twice and nothing ever happened."

"Maybe that's because she wasn't into you."

"Oh honey, everyone's into me."

"Did you break up with Alexis Jackson or was it the other way around?"

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