Part 3

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Banjamin/Gabriel - Belt

Benjamin POV

I sent Thomas to the corner and watched as he miserably tried not to rub his behind. I left the door open so he wouldn't be tempted to put his hands down while I wasn't in the room.
Walking down the stairs I see Gabriel pacing back and forth across the parlor. "Father, Thomas started this entire thing! All I did was try and wash in the basin and he started a fight," he said quickly. I sighed heavily. "Gabriel I do not want to hear your excuses. You're 18 years old you easily could have walked away," I replied running out of patience. His brow furrowed as he thought of his next retort. "Father you don't understand he-" I cut him off. "-Gabriel I suggest you stop talking right this minute. I told you I don't want the excuses. You know better," I was appalled by my eldest. He has not argued with me in years. Since he was Nathan's age perhaps. He scowled and looked away. "Gabriel I have had enough of your disrespect. You know you are just as much at fault as Thomas is and I will not hear another word," I gave him a look daring him to argue again. "Yes father," he replied turning a bright shade of red. "Since you decided you wanted to argue with me you'll be getting your entire punishment with my belt. And if you decide to push me any further you can go outside and cut a nice switch. It's your choice," I said sternly.

Gabriel POV

"And if you decide to push me any further you can go outside and cut a nice switch. It's your choice," father said and my eyes grew wide. I won't be arguing again no matter how unfair I think this punishment is. There is no way I'm getting that switch laid on me again. The last time I got the switch I couldn't sit for almost a week. I looked at the floor and tried to slow my breathing and calm down. "Go lean over the mantle," father commended. I obeyed but not without hesitation. I was determined to take my punishment without a word and go to bed. If Thomas had just kept his mouth shut I wouldn't be in this position to begin with.
I placed my hands on the shelf above the mantle and braced myself for the first few swings. I heard the all too familiar clink of the buckle on father's belt and drew in a deep breath.


After the first 7 or 8 it began to sting a little more. I let out a few hisses and slight whimpers, but it wasn't too bad until around the 15th lash of the belt. It really began to sting and it became harder to stay still and quiet.
"Ow, I apologize father and I will go tell Thomas I am sorry as well," I said trying to keep my voice steady.


A little cry slipped out before I knew I was making a noise. The intensity was beginning to build and I knew I couldn't stay quiet much longer. Father knew what I was trying to do and I had a feeling he wouldn't stop until he successfully broke me.


"Father please I'm sorry! I will stop fighting with him, just please stop!" I cried out tears starting to drip down my face. Man, I felt pathetic. I'm 18 and crying over a belt whipping. One I've gotten a hundred times at that. But why can't it just be over it is so painful!


I began to move around trying to avoid the stinging shots being placed on my backside. The fire just kept building up. I lost count by this point and was just hoping and praying it would be over. "Alright son, last five. You know the drill," father said and gave me a minute to lift my night shirt so he could hit my bare skin. He always saved that for the last five unless you did something really really bad. I had only gotten a bare hiding a few times, but I hope to never get one again. They hurt terribly. I lifted and waited for the last few. Father grabbed my bicep to keep me steady and laid the last five down quickly. I cried out trying not to be too loud as to not wake my siblings again, and was a broken, crying mess after he finished. "Alright. To bed. Wash your face and have Thomas do the same. I will be up shorty to say goodnight," father said and rubbed my back laying a kiss on the top of my head. Most people don't see father as a sensitive person, but he really is. It's nice sometimes. I readjusted my shirt and slowly crept up the stairs to our room.

Thomas POV

Standing in the corner felt like an eternity before I heard Gabriel coming in. He was sniffling and I knew that father must have worn him out. I turned around and left the corner knowing if he was here I must be done with my punishment. Walking over to him and seeing how much he was in pain made me feel extra terrible about what I had done. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held my older brother tight muttering apologies over and over into his shoulder. I started to cry all over again and didn't even know why. He hugged me back and said he was sorry as well. "This is all my fault. I should have just let you be. I'm so so sorry Gabriel. Please forgive me," I said as tears soaked his shirt. "Hey, you're forgiven Thomas, calm down," he said wiping his face as well as mine. "Father would like us to wash our faces and get to bed. We have a long ride tomorrow and he wore us both out pretty good I can see," he said with a sad laugh and released me from our brotherly moment. After washing our faces we both gingerly climbed into bed, on our stomachs of course. Knock knock. I looked up to see father standing in the doorway. "You both understand why what you did was wrong correct?" He asked us. "Yes sir" "Yes father," we replied. He nodded. "I love you both and don't want you to end up hurt or hating each other. I don't want you to regret anything when you are out on your own. Did you make up?" He inquired, most likely already knowing the answer. "Yes father" Gabriel replied. I just nodded "mhmm" and yawned. Father sat down on my bed next to me. He ran his hand through my hair and swept it out of my face. Goodnight my fine boys. Get some sleep and I will wake you in the morning," he said and leaned down kissing the top of my head.

Benjamin POV

"Goodnight father. I'm sorry again," Thomas whispered before drifting off to sleep. I went over to Gabriel's side. "Goodnight father. I'm sorry," he said with a sad look. I rubbed his back gently and put out his lamp. Closing the door I headed back to my room after checking on all of my other children, sleeping soundly in their beds. William lay in my bed tucked into my blankets. I smiled and got changed and into bed, wrapping my arms around my youngest boy and pulling him close. I kissed his head as he lay sleeping and closed my eyes drifting into a dreamless sleep.


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