Rachel Daly x Millie Bright - No Fan of Ours

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It was the last England game before the girls left for the World Cup, the tie v Sweden was only announced a few days ago but the stadium was packed out with adoring fans nonetheless. In the lead up to the game your girlfriends had gifted you a shirt with 'Daly Brightness' on the back so you wouldn't have to chose who's name to wear at England games anymore. It wasn't a secret that you three were dating but it certainly wasn't shouted from the rooftops as you didn't want to attract the wrong attention. Being with them both happened organically, Rachel and Millie were inseparable anyway - what started out as a flirtationship with one of them soon boiled over into the other and just like that you became a throuple. You didn't announce it as such but their teammates could tell, always making jokes about you three being together all the time. You'd never heard a bad word from any of them about your relationship and everyone online believed you were just three best friends anyway.

You first met them at grass roots but football wasn't your number one passion and as they went on to become professionals, you left the turf and cleats behind for more glamorous surroundings in a luxurious London tattoo parlour specifically designed by you for women. The passion of yours was born one evening when getting an upper thigh tattoo and being inappropriately touched during the process. The tattoo went on to be unfinished for nearly a decade until you were able to build your own franchise with the primary value of it being a safe environment for women. You took something awful and made it inspiring, people traveled far and wide to visit your parlour, your customers consisted of many female footballers who quickly spread the word around their clubs. They even donate their signed shirts to hang on your 'Empowerment Wall of Fame' for every celebrity that has visited. You've now got parlours up and down the country and are currently building to break into the rest of the world too.

That's when Rach and Millie came back into your life, having heard about their old acquaintance's new venture through friends they decided to pay you a visit for their newest matching tattoos and have had the pleasure of tattooing the both of them since. With every visit to the shop the more flirtatious your conversations became and it didn't take long for your connection to develop beyond the workplace. Your relationship has been going strong for three years now and what started out as a fling was now something solid and for the long haul.

As this game was announced last minute, your friends and family couldn't make it so you were sat alone for the first time at a national game. Nothing you haven't done before but it's usually at Villa games where the stadiums are anything but packed. Chelsea games were undoubtedly more busy but there seemed to always be a player injured or someone's family to chat to during the matches.

The girls had just finished warm ups and had retreated back to the changing rooms. Playing on your phone and waiting for kick off you heard sneering comments coming from a group behind you, "oh my god look at her shirt, how pathetic". These comments didn't let up throughout the game as the group of girls mocked you continuously throughout the 90 minutes. The first half was insatiable, you'd been singing along with the crowd and shouting to the girls as usual, they were taking the piss out of everything you did making you incredibly uncomfortable. "What a joke, as if anyone would fancy her" their comments started to get louder. "Fucking embarrassing fans put this game to shame!" the loudest mouth of the gang shouted. During half time it only got worse, you wanted to go to the toilet but they had made you feel so small that you didn't dare move. Of course you wanted to tell them to shut up but you're not a big fan of conflict and would rather not give them the satisfaction of knowing they were getting to you. You're used to people staring and making sly comments, you accepted that they were closed minded people and like to make digs at anyone that looks different. There was barely any space on your body for new inkings and you liked how they made you look tough but on inside you were just a soppy little woman that wanted to be loved and cared for. Clocking the wallpaper on your phone of Rach and Mills as you checked the time caused them to erupt into laughter, "they will never love you, what a munter!" they heckled. "She doesn't even have any friends" throwing something in your direction. You continued to ignore the abuse that was being slung in your direction, just half hour more to go as you slipped your earphones in so you were unable to hear them any longer. As much as every comment tore you down little by little, it didn't stop you from being yourself, singing and shouting for your team and the girls when required.

The ball went out of play close by to where you were and noticing Millie smiling at you as she jogged over to take the throw in made you feel a sense of comfort. Luckily she found herself in earshot of the disgusting comments being aimed your way. Pausing the throw in to display an intense and penetrative glare at the group with those gorgeous but intimidating eyes of hers. It shut them up for a second until play continued and she was gone. Her simple gesture made you feel at ease, as least she'd heard what you were up against and the second one of Sweden's players went down you knew she was telling Rachel everything. With their hands covering their mouths, the side eye they were both throwing although incredibly sexy to you, had the capability of inflicting injury or bad karma on the person or people it was directed.

As soon as the final whistle blew Rachel and Millie came running over, ignoring the handshakes so they could get to you quicker. The group of teenagers immediately ran down the stairs when their idols approached, pushing you out of their way while declaring their love for both of them with their sickly sweet remarks like butter wouldn't melt. Shoving phones and pens in their faces begging for photos and signatures which they declined politely yet with a sense of agitation. Rachel ignored their pleas and asked them calmly to move so she could get to you but they didn't listen causing Millie to get impatient and raise her voice. "Move out the fucking way now!" she demanded as they wrapped one arm each around your petite body and lifted you over the barrier in one swift movement, resting their arms around your shoulders displaying their protectiveness of you. "Are you okay?" they fussed, straightening your T-shirt and brushing your hair back, holding your cheeks to analyse the emotions on your face. Once established you were fine now your princesses in shining armour had arrived they turned their attention back to the feral behaviour in the stands. "The way you've been talking about our girlfriend this entire game is fucking disgusting!" Rach shouted towards them as security approached. "Don't expect to be at any of our games again!" Millie bellowed. You'd got the last laugh, thank goodness they had recognised they were giving you a hard time. The group were gobsmasked when they swooped you out of their toxic environment and had suddenly realised they had truly fucked up. "What were you saying about them never being in love with me? This came out of their wardrobe this morning" you remarked smugly tugging on your shirt. "Your attitudes are fucking disgusting" they shouted back to them as they lead you off the pitch. Telling security to ban them from all future national and WSL games before walking you off the pitch hand in hand. That's one way to come out! They knew full well that the live stream was being aired to thousands of people at home and they still came to protect you. Announcing to the world that you three were an item at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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