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Spencer was pouring coffee with one hand while carefully holding a sleeping Oliver with the other arm, a skill he had perfected over the years whenever he was able to help. He was about to pour an obscene amount of coffee when he heard his mother's voice behind him.

"That's why you're so skinny, you know? Too much coffee."

He turned to smile at his anxious mother, curious to how she would handle him holding an unknown sleeping child. He placed a hand on Ollie's back as he walked over to her. He looked at the agents who had escorted her up. "Thanks a lot, guys. I've got her."

Once the agents walked away, he could see his mother was clearly upset.

"You know I'm terrified of flying." 

Spencer couldn't help the shame that grew warm on his face. "I know, Mom. I'm sorry."

Diana continued despite having questions about the kid in her son's arms, "Well, then why did you have those fascists arrest me?"

He sighed in frustration, "Mom, they're not fascists and you were not arrested. I'm trying to protect you."

"By forcing me to do the one thing that frightens me more than anything else?"

Reid looked around before starting to lead his mother to the round table room. "I need to show you something. Follow me."

Entering the room, Diana had even more questions when she saw Elena and Olivia sleeping peacefully. Spencer had yet to put down a sleeping Oliver. She couldn't but look around. "This is where you work?"

"This is where we meet. My desk, you can see it, is right out there in the bullpen area."

"The table's round." Diana commented, running her fingers on the wood of the table.

"Yeah just like I wrote you in my letters."

His mother looked at him warily, " Yes, just like you wrote in your letters." Shame again followed by the guilt. "Dr. Jensen gave me the book you brought. Marjorie Kemp."

"She's your favorite."

"That particular book is one of her minor works."  Gut punch.

Diana walked to the evidence board, while Spencer managed to place Ollie next to his mother, who was sleeping on the floor. As he walked over to his mother, Elena quietly woke, not wanting to wake up her own children, or disturb Spencer's conversation with his mother.  Diana at that moment, grabbed the key from the board.

"Mom, No! Don't ta-Don't!" He chastised in a hush whisper. He took it from her, only upsetting her more, "You can't grab stuff off the board. This key is evidence."  He composed himself before continuing, "Mom, the unsub that we're looking for-the bad guy- knows things about my colleagues' personal lives. Things that only you would know. Do you write about them in your journals?"

Anger evident on her face, Diana ranted "My journals are none of the government's business!"

"I'm not the government, Mom."
"Well, this certainly looks like a government office."
"Mother, do you write about my colleagues' personal lives?" Spencer asked, clearly frustrated.

Diana placed her hands on her head before looking at him with a distressed look, "Why did you bring me here, Spencer?"

"I need to ask you some things about a man I think you might know.  A bad man. He's killed some people and he's holding a girl hostage."
"You think I know someone like that?"
Reid was running out of ideas and patience, "Will you at least watch the tape and see if he sounds familiar?"
Diana agreed and Spencer played the tape. At this point, Elena sat up and moved her son next to Olivia, covering them both with a blanket. She continued to sit on the floor in front of the couch, watching her best friend and his mother. Diana did in fact recognize the raspy voice on the tape.

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